Tattoo garter on the leg

The garter of the leg is quite common among women. Elegance and refinement of the drawing can attract attention and emphasize the harmony of the girl's legs. The garter itself is not a deeply symbolic tattoo, but the details from which it is composed, as a rule, have a special meaning in themselves. This tattoo can wear not every lady. The possessor of such tattoos can be described as bold, open and ready to be charmed. To choose a sketch should be approached with a special gravity, because this garter will remain with you for life.

What does tattoo mean in the form of a garter on the leg?

Garter - this is part of the intimate wardrobe of a woman who will not leave indifferent any man. It is worn not only by the bride, observing one of the wedding rituals, but also the girls preparing for romantic evenings with their loved ones, for a piquant spice or as part of an erotic costume. This detail gives a special sexuality and playfulness. In the process of evolution, the garters became more elegant. They are sewn from lace or satin ribbons, decorated with embroidery, rhinestones, pebbles, beads and other decorative elements.

The tattoo of the garter on the leg does not have a deep philosophical or mystical meaning. To a greater extent, it has an aesthetic meaning and emphasizes the character of a woman. Typically, such tattoos like liberated, sensual, courageous girls, ready not to hide about it. The main idea of ​​the lady, who chose this particular pattern, is put in the details, of which the garter is made in the form of a drawing. After all, it can be depicted not only as identical to its real prototype, but also in the form of a chain, a ribbon of musical notes, an unusual ornament. The presence of feathers, precious stones, inscriptions and any other additional elements is what really matters. Special piquancy and even danger adds an image of a revolver or a knife.

Most often, because of its location high on the foot, this figure is hidden from prying eyes. But even in this case, he gives the owner confidence, seductiveness and charm. Intrigue and a mystery allow men to fantasize much, warming up their interest.