How to weave bracelet from the rubber bands "French Scythe"?

If you are just starting to get acquainted with the braiding of bracelets from elastic bands , you should practice by performing simpler patterns. In this article, you will learn how to weave a bracelet made of rubber bands in the technique of the French braid on the machine and on the fork. This kind of weaving got its name for the similarity with the now very popular hairdo (French braid). In the end, you should get a magnificent and beautiful bracelet.

Master class - a bracelet made of rubber bands "The French Spit"

It will take:


  1. First and foremost, you need to decide what colors and how many elastics you need to take to fulfill the bracelet "French Scythe". This technique is very expressive looks in two-color execution. The number of elastics depends on the circumference of your wrist, on average it takes up to 100 pieces.
  2. We place voids on the benches of the machine so that they look at us. Take an equal number of rubber bands of two colors and proceed to the weave.
  3. We take an elastic band of green color, twist it in the middle and dress the "eight" on two rows of standing columns.
  4. Then we put on the same bars 2 gums: first orange, and then again green. Just do not twist them.
  5. Take the hook and remove the middle of the lower elastic band on the right side and on the left side.
  6. We put on an orange rubber band.
  7. With the help of the hook, we remove the middle (green) from the right column and the lower one (orange) from the left. After that we lower all the rubber bands down a bit.
  8. We now put on a green rubber band.
  9. Hook off the right side of the lower (orange), and on the left side - the middle (also orange). We lower the gum down.
  10. In order not to get confused, from which side on which account to remove the elastic, you should focus on their color. On the side where two stripes of the same color are located near the bottom, there should be removed the lower one, where the same color is one in the middle.
  11. We now put on an orange gum.
  12. At us from the left party it turned out two green elastic bands underneath, means, from this column we remove the bottom, and on the right - green is on the middle, it and we remove it.
  13. If everything is done correctly, then, looking at the top of your work, you should see the same colors on opposite sides of the resulting square.
  14. To get a beautiful picture on the finished product, you need to alternate dressed gum colors. Determine the color can also be on the elastic bands located at the top: if orange, then we take orange, if green - then green.
  15. Focusing on this condition, the next put on a green rubber band.
  16. Capture of the bracelet continues, focusing on point number 11.
  17. When the necessary length of the bracelet is reached, we proceed to completion. On each column we still have 2 rubber bands. First, we shoot the bottom two in the middle and pull it down to level it.
  18. We transfer the elastic from the right column to the left one, and then stretch both together so that they can be put on two bars simultaneously. Prepared a clip for both gum bands.
  19. Remove the rubber bands from the machine and push the initial ring into the clip.
  20. Bracelet "French braid" is ready.

Knowing how to make a bracelet "French braid" out of rubber bands in stages, you, following the same sequence of actions, will be able to perform it on the fork. In addition to this technique, there are many interesting ways of weaving that allow creating beautiful author's accessories without much difficulty - "Hollywood" , "Fish tail", "Scale of the Dragon" .