July 11 - World Chocolate Day

The most popular and favorite all over the world delicacy is, of course, chocolate. This product is able to cheer up, activate brain activity and is a full-fledged independent dessert. No wonder he has his own holiday. On July 11 , World Chocolate Day is celebrated worldwide every year. By the way, for the first time this day was celebrated by the French in 1995.

Pages of History

Chocolate is a product wrapped in myths and legends. At different times it was used as a medicine, money, a sign of wealth and aristocracy.

The first mention of the drink "kakava" is associated with the Olmec civilization, which existed more than 3000 years ago. To prepare the drink, they diluted the mixture of crushed cocoa beans with cold water. It tasted bitter and bitter than the modern delicacy, dedicated to the International Chocolate Day, celebrated around the world on July 11.

After the fall of the ancient civilization in the Mexican Gulf, the Maya tribes settled. They attributed cacao beans to special magical properties and even worshiped the god of cocoa. A drink could only be the priests and the most worthy representatives of the tribe. Maya also used beans instead of money.

By the way, at that time no one cultivated the trees and for a long time they grew in abundance, forming whole plantations.

After the fall of the Mayan civilization, the territory and plantations of cocoa were captured by the Aztecs, who also made cocoa beverage from crushed beans with the addition of spices called "chocolatl". Later the recipe changed and the drink was added honey, sweet agave juice, vanilla. The Aztecs believed that cocoa is a divine drink that gives healing and brings a person closer to the gods.

Chocolate in Europe

Unfortunately, the way of a noble drink to Europe was bloody. For the first time in 1519, the Spaniard Hernan Cortes recognized him. He not only wished to open a drink recipe, but also killed all the priests who knew about him. Cortez was very cruel and greedy, despite the fact that the Aztecs themselves bestowed on him gold and treasures, taking for the messenger from God.

Returning to Spain, Cortes, who fell into disgrace with the king, was able to avoid execution thanks to the monastic drink given to the monarch of cocoa. Since then, the divine drink has become known in other European countries.

Especially popular was the chocolate drink in France, although for a long time it was a sign of good taste, aristocracy and wealth. And only in the middle of the 18th century it became available to every Frenchman.

Interesting facts about chocolate

  1. A man's drink. Because of the bitter taste of cocoa for a long time was considered a man's drink, until the first time it did not add milk, which gave the drink tenderness and lightness.
  2. Chocolate is safe for teeth. Despite the fact that chocolate contains sugar, its harmful effect on tooth enamel is compensated by the antibacterial properties of cocoa beans, which makes it less harmful than any other sweets.
  3. Natural pain medication. The fact is that cocoa is able to provoke the production of the hormone of happiness - endorphin, which not only causes a surge of energy and energy, but also can reduce pain.
  4. Chocolate helps to lose weight! Scientists have found that dark chocolate causes a feeling of satiety, and is also an excellent alternative to other types of sweets. There is even a chocolate diet.
  5. Chocolate makes us smarter! Cocoa has a lot of useful properties, one of them - to cause blood flow to the brain and activate mental activity. Therefore, it is believed that chocolate lovers are more intelligent than those who refuse to use it.

World Chocolate Day, celebrated on July 11th is the sweetest and most useful holiday in the world!