Cervical lordosis

Contrary to popular belief, cervical lordosis is not a deviation from the norm. This physiological curvature of the spine, necessary to ensure that the load on it when walking and lifting weights is distributed optimally. Exactly the same functional bend is in the lumbar part of our back.

Neck lordosis is straightened - what is it?

Many, having received the diagnosis of a doctor, are asked such a question. After all, if there is no curvature, can it be for the better? Definitely not. Straightening of the cervical lordosis is as dangerous as its excessive bending. Both, and another, can become the reason of serious diseases.

Symptoms of straightening of cervical lordosis

Determine that you straightening the lordosis of the cervical spine in an early stage can be on the following grounds:

Symptoms manifest themselves in this sequence. Due to the fact that straightened cervical lordosis leads to a decrease in the mobility of the neck and thoracic spine, blood circulation is disrupted. As a result, the brain receives insufficient amounts of oxygen and blood, a person experiences a constant sense of fatigue. All this generally has a bad effect on eating habits - lack of appetite and mood deceleration slow down metabolic processes in the body.

Deformation of the vertebrae can be seen with the naked eye. A patient with a diagnosis of lordosis of the cervical spine rarely turns his head to the sides, keeps his chin forward and slouches his shoulders. Due to rounding of the spine in the thoracic region, the body tries to redistribute the load.

If the diagnosis is several years old, and there are no positive changes, an excessive bending in the lumbar region can form. hyperlordosis of the lumbar spine. This significantly affects the gait, the person begins to put his feet wider when walking, in order to achieve greater stability.

There is another reliable way to check cervical lordosis: a doctor, using a special ruler, in a few minutes will determine in what state the bend of your spine. The X-ray will also do a great job.

How to treat straightening of cervical lordosis?

It is quite easy to cure straightening of the cervical lordosis. The main tasks are:

  1. To restore the normal lordosis of the cervical spine with the help of massages, physiotherapy exercises and constant self-control.
  2. Strengthen the cervical musculature.
  3. Restore blood supply.
  4. To visit a doctor on time.

Remember, all procedures, including gymnastic exercises, should be prescribed only by a professional.