Third-trimester uterine tone

Elevated uterine tone is a frequent companion of pregnancy in the third trimester. It is a periodic contraction of the smooth fibers of the uterus. Minor manifestations of the tone of the uterus is found in almost every woman. Multiple fetuses and large fetuses increase the risk of hypertension, as in the latter terms the fetus grows and overstrains the uterus. A pronounced tone of the uterus at a later date can provoke the premature onset of labor.

Clinical manifestations of uterine tone in the 3rd trimester

The reasons for the increased tone of the uterus are: nervous tension, physical exertion, excessive stretching of the uterus by a large fetus and multiple pregnancies, chronic constipation and the use of foods that promote increased gas production in the intestine. Provide an increase in the tone of the uterus for 27 or more weeks can conduct obstetric and ultrasound. Periodic increase in the tone of the uterus at 37-38 weeks is considered to be training fights that prepare the cervix and the uterus for the forthcoming birth. From fights, they differ in the absence of periodicity and short-term, they do not provoke the opening of the cervix.

At 30, 31, 32, 33 weeks of pregnancy, the tone of the uterus can be noted more often, because the baby is already formed and only gaining weight. He still wants to move in my mother's tummy, where it's getting tighter. The movements of the baby now cause a contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus and manifest an increased tone. Elevated uterine tone at 35-36 weeks with multiple pregnancies, often leads to premature birth.

How to treat the tone of the uterus in the third trimester?

If the increase in the tone of the uterus does not cause pain and gestation period of 37 weeks or more, then it can not be treated. If the reduction in the musculature of the uterus brings a considerable discomfort to the woman, it is necessary to try to relax, if possible, to take a horizontal position. If the pain does not pass, then you can drink a pill No-shpy or Papaverina.

The recommended drug for the removal of the tone of the uterus in the third trimester of pregnancy is Magne-B-6, which consists of magnesium ions and pyridoxine (vitamin B6), which promotes better assimilation of Mg. Many experts believe that it is the deficiency of magnesium ions that plays a big role in increasing the tone of the uterus. The intake of magnesium preparations contributes to the normalization of blood pressure, is a good prevention of the threat of abortion. In addition, it is safe for the fetus. The recommended dose for pregnant women is 2 tablets 3 times a day. Contraindication to taking magnesium preparations is an increased sensitivity of the body. I want to note that you should not engage in self-medication, but you need to contact a specialist gynecologist who will take into account all the characteristics of the female body and the course of pregnancy, and will appoint adequate treatment.

Prevention of late-term uterine tone

Good preventive measures against the increased tone of the uterus are: the absence of nervous and physical overstrain, rational nutrition (follow the increase in body weight), regular bowel movement and daily walks in the fresh air.

We examined the causes, clinical manifestations and methods of treatment of increased uterine tone in the third trimester. Minor clinical manifestations of the increased tone of the uterus can be eliminated by taking No-shpa and changing the way of life, and with severe pain it is necessary to consult a doctor.