Flebodia in Pregnancy

Bearing a baby is a huge burden on the female body, and sometimes there can be various problems that are expressed in the form of edema, vascular reticulum on the legs or varicose veins of the lower extremities.

But in the vertical position the expectant mother spends a lot of time, and therefore she needs immediate help, but, unfortunately, most drugs are prohibited during this period, because they carry a potential threat to the fetus.

Modern doctors prescribe the preparation Flebodia 600 during pregnancy, but not all mothers are sure whether it is possible to drink it during this crucial period, when there are all kinds of restrictions on medications. Let's take a closer look at this issue and find out whether this means carries a threat to the future baby.

The Benefits of Flebodia During Pregnancy

The main problem of women with pregnancy is pain and swelling in the legs, from which the preparation Flebodia 600 is prescribed. But all these symptoms can only be the tip of the iceberg, but in reality everything is much more serious.

After all, now the woman's hormonal background is reconstructed for pregnancy, but this in turn has a bad effect on the tone of blood vessels throughout the body. They relax and cease to function normally, tension, pain in the calf muscles, and then veins increase.

To prevent this from happening, women are recommended to drink the preparation Flebodia already in the early stages of pregnancy, which improves blood flow in the veins, strengthens the walls of large and small vessels, increases the outflow of fluid from the lower extremities, helps to cope with swelling.

Clinical studies, which were conducted with the participation of women at different stages of pregnancy, revealed its positive effect on the venous system and overall health.

In addition, a positive effect of Flebodia 600 for placenta in pregnancy was found. That is, in patients who were diagnosed with fetoplacental insufficiency, the results of the examination before and after taking the drug showed a significant improvement in the placental blood flow.

And the babies who were born after the course of taking the drug Flebodia had the same weight as the babies in a normally developing pregnancy, although due to fetoplacental insufficiency they had a high probability of appearing lightweight.

In addition, due to the positive effects of this drug during natural delivery and caesarean section, there was much less blood loss due to the good contractility of the vessels that were toned during the course of treatment. In addition, in pregnant women with hemorrhoids, almost complete disappearance was observed, and there were no relapses in the postpartum period.

Definitely, FloBodia tablets should be prescribed for the treatment and prevention of all kinds of abnormalities in the vascular system of the future mother, because the drug has virtually no side effects. Only a small percentage of women who underwent testing had headaches while taking the drug or an individual intolerance to the active substance.

How to take Flebodia 600 during pregnancy?

The given preparation is issued in the form of tablets. Take the drug Flebodia during pregnancy is necessary according to the instructions, but only after the appointment of a doctor, not engaged in self-medication.

To reduce swelling and remove pain in the calf muscles, take one tablet a day on an empty stomach for two months. For symptomatic treatment of hemorrhoids, the course of treatment is 7 days, during which you should take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day during meals.