The first trimester of pregnancy is how much?

The first trimester is the first stage of pregnancy. How much is this the first trimester of pregnancy? It is generally accepted that 1 trimester lasts for 12 weeks after conception.

During this period, the most important processes occur - all the systems and organs of the future baby are laid. Therefore, during this period it is extremely undesirable to tolerate diseases of the catarrhal, viral, infectious nature, and to take medications. Antibiotics, alcohol and other harmful substances in the first trimester of pregnancy can adversely affect the development and health of your baby.

Features of the first trimester of pregnancy

The first trimester is different from the following periods. For example, in the first trimester, hormone progesterone is actively produced, which is necessary for the normal development of the embryo. The norm of progesterone in the first trimester is 8.9-468.4 nmol / l, which is slightly higher than in the second trimester. It depends on this whether the embryo develops normally or if the pregnancy is interrupted.

Another feature of the 1 st trimester - women in most cases excruciates a toxicosis. This is due to the body's reaction to the foreign protein. Toxicosis accompanies women only in the first trimester and retreats to the 12th week. It manifests itself not only in nausea and vomiting, but in general well-being.

Usually in the first trimester of pregnancy, women experience general weakness, headache, drowsiness. All this is due to hormonal changes in the body. But do not think that this will be the whole pregnancy. Set yourself up for the best, soon you will cease to suffer from toxicosis and the most blissful period of pregnancy will come - the 2 nd term, when in the mornings one does not feel like running to the toilet, and throughout the day you do not have to carry a heavy stomach.

As for sex in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is undesirable in some "critical" moments. These include the periods of 4-7 weeks and 10-13 weeks. And the best and at all to refuse sex in the first trimester. The fetus is hardly attached to the uterus and it is extremely undesirable to cause its tone, so as not to cause a detachment of the fetal egg.

Meal in the first trimester

The menu for pregnant women in the first trimester should include the whole complex of vitamins and microelements necessary for the development of the fetus and for the normal well-being of the expectant mother. Products should be fresh or cooked with minimal use of fat. It is good to cook vegetables and meat for a couple. Full nutrition should include foods rich in protein, fiber, high in calcium.

It is not superfluous to have an additional intake of vitamin complexes, vitamin E and folic acid. Vitamin E and folic acid should be taken at the planning stage of pregnancy. They promote conception and significantly reduce the risk of developing various pathologies of internal development of the fetus.

Become an accountant

Some women believe that you can not rush to become an account in a women's consultation, and do so already at 12-13 a week. However, this is not always justified. It is in the first trimester that there is a large risk of developing a stagnant pregnancy, detachment of the fetus and other troubles. You can avoid this if you pass the tests in the first trimester of pregnancy - an analysis of the content of progesterone, the level of hemoglobin and sugar, and so on.

It will be superfluous and make sure that the pregnancy is a uterine. With ectopic pregnancy, all symptoms of pregnancy persist - there are no monthly, breast in the first trimester increases, hCG levels increase. But at a certain stage, such a pregnancy becomes dangerous for the health and even life of a woman. Therefore, coming to ultrasound in the first trimester, you can be sure that the pregnancy has come and develops normally.