Why can not pregnant women sit on their feet?

Pregnant women try to protect themselves from all kinds of dangers. Sometimes they even forbid themselves some things that, it would seem, are not logical, but they fit into our knowledge of signs and superstitions. Often you can hear that women in the situation can not sew, step over the threshold, go to the cemetery, etc. In some cases, there is a medical justification, and in some - just words, the meaning of which no one really can explain. One of these prohibitions is that pregnant women can not sit on their feet, and why it should not be done there are many explanations, both medical and common people.


Long since the birth of a midwife in women, there was a sign that pregnant women can not sit on their feet because the baby will be born with crooked legs. Official medical confirmation in our days, this theory is not received. Similarly, it is not true that with a crossed legs in a future mother, the baby may have an umbilical cord. This happens, but there may be a lot of other reasons for this.


If we consider this problem from the point of view of knowledge about our energy, experts of this area say that the center of human energy flows is in the navel area. If the future mommy crosses his arms on his stomach and legs, then the energy envelope will burst, and energy will leave it.

In addition, there is another explanation why a woman mechanically crosses limbs: thus, a person, regardless of whether he is a man or a woman, tries to protect himself from negative energy. After all, as we know, such a peculiar cross protects us from evil and bad thoughts.


From a medical point of view, why pregnant women can not put their feet on their legs, there are several explanations:

  1. Phlebeurysm. As is known, in this position women very often suffer from this disease. The situation can aggravate the desire of a pregnant woman to sit with her foot on her leg. This is due to the fact that the very elastic veins of the extremities are pinched in the popliteal fossa, and the blood can not circulate as it should. And the blame for all the hormone relaxin, which is produced in large numbers in the fair sex during this period. It is he who allows the ligaments of a pregnant woman to prepare for childbirth, and also makes the veins thin and elastic.
  2. Thrombosis. If a woman has a genetic predisposition to varicose veins, then the next step in the manifestation of the disease can be blood clots. As a rule, thrombosis is always accompanied by swelling of the legs and pain, so with such symptoms it is worth wearing compression knitwear and performing a simple set of exercises for better blood circulation in the legs.
  3. Hypoxia of the fetus. With regular and prolonged sitting on a chair or other surface in a pregnant woman, the circulation of the pelvic organs slows down. This can lead to fetal hypoxia, and this is very serious.
  4. Load on the spine. Whether it is possible for pregnant women to throw a leg on a leg, your back can answer. At the beginning of pregnancy your body will not manifest itself in any way, but the longer the gestation period, the greater the burden on the spine and, consequently, the pain will appear.
  5. The child will not be able to roll over. As you know, the baby is flipped closer to the date of childbirth head down and getting ready to be born. Gynecologists explain why it is not possible for pregnant women to toss their feet on late legs of pregnancy - the baby will not be able to roll over. And as a consequence, breech presentation and very difficult births. In addition, the woman herself will be uncomfortable to sit in this position because of the severity of the tummy.

So, if you cherish your beautiful legs and are afraid for the health of your baby, do not sit with your legs crossed, and try to change the leg posture as often as possible.