Determination of pregnancy with soda

A future mother, especially if she is expecting a baby for a long time and with a strain, is always impatient to learn about the onset of pregnancy. Therefore, many are looking for early ways to determine the fact of conception. Among them - home methods of pregnancy confirmation. Our mothers also knew how to determine pregnancy with soda. This is a very simple and affordable way, and the probability of a correct determination of pregnancy is soda is high enough.

Pregnancy test with soda

If you decide to test your pregnancy with soda, then you will need a plastic disposable container or a clean glass jar, soda and a spoon. In the container, it is necessary to collect a small amount of morning urine (half the container). Then pour a spoonful of soda into it and observe the chemical reaction. In this case, soda acts as a definition of the reaction of urine - alkaline or acidic. If urine sips and starts to foam when you add soda, then you are not pregnant. If the reaction does not occur, and soda just fell out in the container in the sediment, then you can be sure that the conception took place.

The mechanism of how the pregnancy can confirm soda is not yet fully understood. However, many women confirm that early in the test, when the usual tests are still not sensitive enough to determine the content of specific hormones in the urine, were able to confirm the pregnancy with soda. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in the case of pregnancy changes the biochemical composition of the whole organism, and soda is an indicator of the onset of these changes. In any case, you can try to determine the pregnancy with soda and look at the result.

Especially actual need to test soda pregnancy can be if you do not have access to doctors or pharmacies, for example, on vacation, and you want to know exactly whether you are in a position or not.

Other home methods for determining pregnancy

Along with testing pregnancy soda there are also other ways of determining pregnancy. A similar test can be performed with iodine. It is enough to drop a drop of iodine into the collected urine. If it dissolves, then pregnancy has not occurred, but if the drop has remained floating on the surface, then it can be said with certainty that you are expecting the baby. You can also drop iodine on a paper strip moistened with urine, for example, if you do not have containers at hand. If a drop of iodine turns blue or turns purple, it can also be a fact that confirms the pregnancy.

To check up pregnancy it is possible and other grandmother's way - to hang a ring on a long hair above a stomach. If it begins to make circular motions, it means that a new life has arisen inside of you, if the ring hangs still, then the conception does not take place. Some say that a woman at the onset of pregnancy changes the subtle smell emanating from the body of each person (we recall pheromones), but only a person with a very good sense of smell and the ability to differentiate natural smells can note this fact.

There are many home methods for determining pregnancy, in addition, pregnancy has a number of symptoms and signs that a woman can learn about what awaits the baby even before the delay. Sometimes, and without symptoms, the expectant mother realizes that a miracle has taken place, and she is pregnant. However, to give an absolute guarantee that you are pregnant, you can only take a medical examination - a two-fold blood test for chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone secreted by the body after attaching the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus (the figures must be doubled every 48 hours) or ultrasound of the pelvic organs, during which on the monitor, the fetus with a visualized palpitation is visualized.