Placental thickness by weeks

The thickness of the placental organ is a very important aspect of the normal gestation process, which is determined at any time only by ultrasound. In order to understand the importance of these data, you need to know the purpose of the organ and the normal thickness of the placenta for weeks.

The role of the temporary "children's place" is extremely important and indispensable. The placenta during pregnancy provides the baby in the womb with all the necessary substances, oxygen, acts as a barrier between him and various kinds of infections and bacteria. It is from the thickness of the placenta in pregnancy and will depend on the normal development of the fetus in the mother's womb.

Norm of thickness of the placenta

The process of maturation of the placental organ can be traced only with the help of an ultrasound machine. There are several degrees of placenta growth and here they are:

Correspondence of thickness of the placenta and gestational age

The process of maturation of the placental organ is much accelerated and ceases to correspond to the timing of gestation in the event that the pregnant woman continues to use drugs, alcohol or nicotine, and also if there are infectious processes. It should be understood that in the process of aging the placenta begins to decrease its functional abilities. This is fraught with oxygen starvation of the child, its unsatisfactory development, lack of nutrients and low weight. The most negative consequence of the lack of normal thickness of the placenta is the intrauterine death of the child or premature delivery.

Increase in the norm of the thickness of the placenta by weeks

This trend serves as an indicator of the presence of abnormalities in the course of pregnancy and is the result of an infectious disease, anemia, diabetes, gestosis or conflict between the mother and child. The presence of these factors is the reason for the increased attention from the staff of the women's consultation. Norms of thickness of the placenta for weeks are very different and should be noted by the leading gynecologist-obstetrician.

Basic indicators of placental organ growth

Based on the data obtained by ultrasound, you can evaluate the picture of the child's well-being, which directly depends on the condition of the placenta. So:

  1. The thickness of the placenta at 17 weeks is about 17 mm and has a uniform structure. The doctor assesses the location of the organ and its distance from the walls of the uterus.
  2. The thickness of the placenta at 20 weeks continues to grow steadily and can vary in the range up to 22 mm.
  3. At 23 weeks, the thickness of the placenta is already starting to reach about 25 -26 mm.
  4. The thickness of the placenta at 30 weeks is no longer added and the process of its gradual densification and accumulation of calcium begins.
  5. The approximate thickness of the placenta at 34 weeks gestation is 3.4 cm. Any abnormalities can be taken as a signal of danger to the life of the child.
  6. The thickness of the placenta at 39 weeks begins to decrease due to bleeding and slowing of metabolic processes, as the child is ready for life outside the womb of the mother. This indicator can be 34-35 cm.

The fact that the placenta is normal, should not allow the woman to neglect her position. She is obliged to still keep a close eye on health and do everything necessary to carry out a full-fledged child.