Complete placenta previa

Placenta previa is one of the most serious complications of pregnancy. Normally, the placenta is located in the upper parts of the uterus. With the placenta previa, the area of ​​the internal throat of the cervix is ​​blocked. Depending on the location of the placenta from the internal pharynx, a complete presentation is distinguished (the cervical canal is completely blocked), incomplete placenta previa (the inner pharynx is partially closed) and marginal presentation (the placenta touches the edge of the internal pharynx). Consider the most dangerous situation - full placenta previa.

What is dangerous full placenta previa?

Complete presentation of the placenta occurs rarely - 0.9% of the total number of pregnancies. However, this situation always threatens the life and health of the mother and child. Since the placenta completely blocks the inner cervical cervix, there is almost always a risk of placental abruption. If the cervix opens, the baby may die, and the mother may lose a large amount of blood.

In addition, a complete presentation of the placenta is almost always accompanied by fetoplacental insufficiency, delayed development of the fetus and its hypoxia .

The causes of placenta previa

Most often, full placenta previa is found in women who have given birth. Doctors call two groups of factors responsible for improper placenta previa: the state of a woman's health and impaired implantation of the fetal egg when it is attached to the lower parts of the uterus.

The risk group includes women with:

Placenta presentation - diagnosis

Full placenta previa can be suspected of recurring painless bleeding from the genital tract. They appear suddenly and can be abundant. In this case, you must immediately call an ambulance and, before her arrival, observe complete rest.

As a rule, a pregnant woman is hospitalized. In the hospital the doctor conducts an external examination and sends it to the ultrasound. If ultrasound confirms the presence of complete placenta previa, then vaginal examination can not be carried out because of the high risk of further placental abruption and the development of bleeding.

How to treat placenta previa?

If placenta previa is detected during a screening ultrasound in the first half of pregnancy and there are no blood extractions, a woman can be at home observing complete peace, including sexual intercourse. If the gestation period is 24 weeks or more, it is necessary to go to the hospital and stay there until the birth, even if the bleeding has stopped. Pregnancy tries to save up to 37-38 weeks.

The only way to deliver with full placenta previa is by caesarean section, since the placenta completely closes the cervical cervix. Emergency cesarean is carried out if the life of the mother is in danger.