How to increase the appetite of a child?

Poor child's appetite is a headache for every second family. Almost every parent faces the problem of how to increase the child's appetite. Parents try to solve an intricate rebus called "what to give the child for appetite", consulting with doctors and reading a lot of literature. In order to solve this difficult task, you need to revise the lifestyle and habits of the family, as well as carefully observe the baby himself. Perhaps a bad appetite - it's just a feature of the baby's body. But, if the problem still exists, then let's look at examples of how you can raise the child's appetite.

  1. Mom baby, who badly eats, should strictly adhere to the diet. The doctors confirmed the fact that the adjusted regime of the day and the same intervals between the feeds contribute to the proper functioning of the digestive system, which contributes to a natural increase in appetite in children.
  2. A kid who does not eat well should not have a snack between meals. Even a small biscuit a child can knock down the appetite and not want to eat until the next meal. Especially often you can see kids in a stroller chewing on the street. There is nothing surprising in the fact that on coming home such children do not want to eat.
  3. Do not feed the child in a bad mood - it can develop a negative reflex. Let the baby calm down, get distracted, and then try again.
  4. Use bright cutlery, perhaps a plate with your favorite cartoon character will become a "life buoy" to enhance your baby's appetite.

Folk remedies for increasing appetite in children

Our grandmothers found "their own" methods of fighting with poor appetite, try using popular means of improving appetite in children.

Vitamins for appetite for children

It is believed that to increase appetite it is possible to give a baby over 1.5 years old fresh raspberries - for 5-6 berries in between meals. Raspberry contains such useful vitamins as ascorbic acid and carotene, which can improve the appetite of a child. In summer it is possible to freeze berries for the winter, but then it is necessary to defrost them in the microwave oven, i.e. quickly, to preserve all the useful properties. Improve the appetite will also help oranges, apples and carrots. For 20-30 minutes before eating, you can give the child a piece of orange, or rub the apple with carrots.

Tea to increase appetite

Tea from peppermint helps fast digestion of food and effectively stimulates the digestive system. To make tea from peppermint, you need to grind dried herb into powder and pour half a spoonful of mint with a glass of boiling water. Leave to stand for 10 minutes and drain. A child from the year should be given 1 tablespoon before meals, from two years - a quarter cup twice a day.

To children tea from fennel seeds is useful. It is given to infants to improve digestion, and older children can be given as a means of increasing appetite. To prepare medicinal tea, take 1 teaspoon of seeds and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for 2 hours in a warm place and give the baby 1-2 tablespoons before meals.

Preparations for appetite for children

Parents, brought to the extreme, the problem of how to cause the child's appetite, begin to look for all kinds of medications for children's appetite. Give these drugs should be very careful, after consulting with a doctor. Sometimes a bad appetite is associated with a decreased acidity of the stomach. In this case, the doctor can prescribe the drug aceidine pepsin, which regulates acidity in the body and favorably affects the appetite.

Parents who are concerned about the poor appetite of crumbs should also make sure that the baby spends enough energy and walks a lot in the fresh air. Sometimes such unsightly little things can radically change the essence of the matter.