Fetal washing

In medical terminology, there is no such thing as washing the fetus. This is the name of menstrual discharge during pregnancy. Many women do not know what it means to wash the fetus, and at the subconscious level begin to calm themselves, thinking that the appearance of menstruation does not pose a threat to the fetus or the future mummy.

Washing the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy indicates the detachment of the upper uterine cavity, resulting in the appearance of smearing bloody discharge. In some cases, when washing the fetus, they can be abundant, accompanied by pain in the lower back and in the lower abdomen. Such painful sensations are the first bell of the fact that the development of pregnancy occurs with disorders.

At what time does the fetus wash?

Typically, the washing of the fetus occurs at a time when the woman is waiting for menstruation. She may not even know that she is pregnant, so if menstruation was normal, with normal abundance, then it means that there was no pregnancy. But when the discharge appeared smearing and very scarce, this indicates a detachment of the fetal egg . If this kind of detachment was insignificant, pregnancy persists and then proceeds in normal mode. But with a more serious detachment, a miscarriage may occur.

From the structure of the woman's body and on her health depends on how long the washing of the fetus lasts. In healthy women, this process can last about a week, while pregnancy is preserved, and this does not harm the fetus. There are cases, though rarely, that washing appears on late pregnancy, threatening the life of a future baby, and lasts for several months. In this case, you should immediately go to the gynecologist, who will determine the cause of the blood discharge and will prescribe measures to eliminate them.

Causes and symptoms of fetal washing

Most often, the appearance of menstrual excretions during pregnancy is associated with imbalance of hormones in the female body. This process is affected by the shortage of progesterone responsible for stopping the maturation of the next egg and the detachment of the endometrium. And when the yellow body , formed after fertilization and implantation of the egg to the wall of the uterus, produces an insufficient amount of progesterone, then in the first trimester of pregnancy symptoms of the so-called fetal washing may appear.

Also, an important cause of bleeding is a bicornic uterus, in which a fetus develops in one horn, and in the other, endometrial rejection can occur as in the menstrual cycle. But in any case, this is the result of a hormonal failure, requiring immediate examination and elimination of a problem that can lead to unfortunate consequences.

There are certain symptoms of how the fetus is washed:

At the first signs of the appearance of such symptoms, you should consult a doctor to determine and fix the problem. In addition, in this case, the pregnancy should proceed under careful regular supervision qualified expert.

What is dangerous for the washing of the fetus?

Sometimes, the fetus is washed several days after the onset, and in some cases can last several months. But in the first, and in the second case, the result of this phenomenon can be a frozen pregnancy. As a result, either miscarriage occurs, or cleaning is performed (in the early stages) or abortion (late pregnancy). Therefore, you need to be very careful about your health and follow all the processes occurring in the body. This is especially true for women who are waiting for pregnancy for a long time.