The pubic bone hurts during pregnancy

Many women in the situation present to the leading pregnancy gynecologist complaints that they have a pain in the pubic bone with seemingly missing reasons. Let's take a closer look at this situation and try to identify all the main reasons for the possible development of such a phenomenon, and also we will focus on how a woman to fight it.

Why do pregnant women have a pubic bone?

First of all, it should be noted that due to physiological processes in the second half of pregnancy, there is such a phenomenon as softening of the lone articulation. It is this process, as a rule, and is accompanied by painful sensations, in view of the fact that the pubic region is densely strewn with nerve endings. If they are irritated, the pregnant woman begins to experience pain. Similarly, the body itself is prepared for the generic process, thus widening the entrance to the small pelvis, so that the baby's head unhindered to start moving along the ancestral path. The trigger mechanism to the beginning of this process is the synthesis of the hormone relaxin, which leads to softening of the ligaments and pelvic joints. If this does not happen, and the infant's head does not match the pelvic dimensions, a delivery by caesarean section is prescribed .

A second explanation of why the pubic bone hurts during pregnancy may be a disorder such as symphysitis. In such cases, the pain is so strong that it does not give the woman peace even at night. As a rule, with symphysitis, painful sensations increase sharply with any physical activity (prolonged walking) and even with a sharp change in the position of the body. Quite often in such cases, the gait of a pregnant woman also changes, and resembles the so-called "duck", when the body weight moves to the side of the body on which the supporting leg falls.

Such a diagnosis can be made exclusively by a gynecologist, who usually in such cases prescribes an ultrasound of the lone articulation. If we talk about the reasons for the development of this violation, then in most cases it is rather difficult to establish them. As a rule, this happens when the hormone system of the woman has excess hormone relaxin, or as a result of a lack of calcium in the body in a pregnant woman. In addition, the negative impact is and increasing the likelihood of development of such a violation of hereditary predisposition, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system in history.

How to relieve the condition with pain in the area of ​​the lonnoe articulation?

If the future mother during pregnancy strongly hurts the pubic bone, then in the first place it is necessary to inform your gynecologist about it. The doctor should rule out the disease. In case it is still present, a woman is credited with wearing a bandage and completely eliminating physical activity, up to the restriction of motor activity.

For the purpose of prevention in such situations, a calcium-containing diet is prescribed, those. in the diet of the future mother in sufficient quantities should include milk and sour-milk products.

If, during pregnancy, the pubic bone does not hurt because of symphysitis, doctors advise a woman to reduce motor activity. With severe pain in such cases, painkillers can be prescribed.

Thus, if a woman with a pregnancy hurts in the pubic bone, you need to address this problem to the doctor. The main task of doctors is to diagnose the cause of the appearance of pain. If the pregnant woman has a pubic bone in the 37-38 week, then this phenomenon may also indicate the imminent beginning of the birth process.