How to treat snot in babies?

For a baby, normal nasal breathing is very important, as when breastfeeding a stuffy nose prevents the baby from breathing, and he refuses the breast. The most common reason that the baby gets thick snot is because of regurgitation, and the treatment is aimed at removing air after feeding from the stomach by laying on the stomach, and the snot itself is gently removed with a cotton turunda. In this case, no treatment is required, it is only necessary to clean the spout regularly.

But there are other reasons for the occurrence of a runny nose in an infant, including infections, which require mandatory medication. Then before mother there is a serious problem: than and how to treat snot at grudnichka.

Than to treat snot in babe?


Another reason for the appearance of sopecks is inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract caused by viruses or microbes. If the child has swelling of the mucosa and liquid snot in large quantities, then it is impossible to instill self-sucking drops of Naphthyzin type into the nose without the doctor's appointment. They can be dangerous for the baby, especially when overdose, because a small child any (including homeopathic) medication prescribed by a doctor.

But the snot in the baby can also be treated at home, for example, by instilling in the nose an isotonic solution of sea salt (in ready-made preparations such as Aquamaris ), fresh aloe juice, diluted juice of red beets, carrots or potatoes.

Folk remedies

Also, the snot can be sucked off by a nasal aspirator (a pear from which the air is removed by depressing, and then released and sprained snot from the nose). To reduce the manifestations of the common cold, the following is also used:

But all this can be done only at normal body temperature . If the snot and inflammation of the nasal mucosa is caused by the foreign body getting there, then before it is taken out by the doctor from the nasal passages, the effect from the treatment of the cold will not be.