Valkyrie in Slavic mythology - who are Valkyries and how do they look?

For many years the image of the Valkyries has changed, scientists are arguing who they really are. Divine beauties with a gentle soul or cruel warriors of Darkness? According to various sources, Odin's god had twelve or thirteen, and each Valkyrie had his own name and purpose. The Slavs also revered these virgins, and amulets with their sign and in the 21st century are bought for the protection of soldiers and a kind.

Valkyries - who is this?

Myths retained a clear image of these maidens, although their descriptions changed over time. Who are the Valkyries and what do they look like? These are warriors who rode on winged horses and collected the souls of fallen warriors to be sent to the heavenly palace. The best warriors of all time feasted there, and Odin's beautiful girls served them at the table. Sometimes they had the right to determine the course of the battle and to grant victory to mortals. The Valkyries appeared when the gods dominated the earth, there are three versions about their origin:

  1. Daughters of the god Odin.
  2. Servants of the supreme god, killed in battle princess's daughter.
  3. Heirs of the Elf family.

In the German and Anglo-Saxon myths of the legendary warriors described in different ways:

The Power of the Valkyries

Valkyrie were special creatures, no race could compare with them in the art of war, the myths say that they were not inferior even to werewolves. And to stop such a girl could only be death, because they are not sensitive to pain. According to other versions, warriors have always remained immortal and eternally young. If you rely on the data of different myths, the warrior-valkyrie had a tremendous power, which was given:

There are versions that the power was given to these maidens by unusual armor and their names, legends preserved such 13. Slavic myths called the strength of warriors valor, honor and wisdom , it was believed that these qualities are bestowed upon the warrior by the Slavic "Valkyrie" guard. Wear it today experts recommend people who are looking for wisdom and remain pride in any situation.

Valkyrie Mark

In ancient times, the Slavs especially revered the sign of the Valkyries - the personification of wisdom and justice. It represents 4 repetitive runes Ga - movement, and runes P - a sign of death. It was worn by almost all the soldiers of Kievan Rus, it was carved out of wood or forged from iron, sometimes tattooed right on the body. Many knocked the Valkyrie on the sword, as a sign of courage, it was believed that such weapons give justice in battle.

The priests used a seal with the sign of a warrior to guard the scrolls of the ancient knowledge of the Slavs, the sign was revered as the strongest. According to ancient traditions, the women-Valkyries patronized such 4 qualities:

  1. Justice.
  2. Honor.
  3. Wisdom.
  4. Nobility.

Valkyrie - mythology

Valkyrie - a warrior-maiden, with the filing of Scandinavian myths, they are usually portrayed in armor, horned helmets, with shields and spears. The sagas described that from the shine of their weapons arose a northern light, which illuminated the road into the palace of the gods. The duty of the beauties is to see off the souls of the fallen in Valgalla, but this honor could only be awarded to those who died in battle, if the warrior died of wounds in his bed, no warriors followed him.

In the first tales, the Valkyries were described as cruel angels of death who ate the suffering of dying warriors, enjoying bloody battles. But hundreds of years later, this image acquired more charitable features. The Virgin was glorified as brave and brave beauties who bestowed honor and respect on the best of the best who did not spare life for the sake of military glory.

Valkyrie in Slavic mythology

Valkyrie Slavs also enjoyed great respect. This name means "the one that gathers the dead", because they described her as a goddess who accompanied the fallen heroes to the gardens of Iria. It was depicted with swans or silvery wings, it was believed that the last thing the dying warrior heard was the swan song of the Valkyries, which informed the gods of the appearance of a new bright soul for the kingdom of the dead. The "Valkyrie" guard is mentioned even in the annals of Rus, only the best warriors had the right to wear them, and that - with the permission of the priests.

Valkyrie - Scandinavian mythology

Valkyrie from the Vikings are described as bold warriors who fulfill the will of the god Odin, endowing him with the victory marked by God. But after a while, the girls began to fall in love with mortals, and to grant them victory at will. Having received the authority of the supreme deity, Odin deprived the Valkyries of this right, concentrating only on the fulfillment of his will. He drove them out of Valgalla too, the girls could only look after the warrior's soul until Odin's horse took him away. Deprived of their privileges, the warriors acquired wings and turned into half-birds, which by singing are eased by the agony of soldiers.

Books about Valkyries

One of the most ancient sagas is the "Elder Edda", in which the Valkyries are described as the women of the hero, the beloved heroes of Helga and Velund. The saga of Rech Sigrdriva tells of the love of warrior Sigdrivu, who disobeyed Odin, she was returned from her eternal sleep by Sigurd. At different times, writers returned to this topic, and in the 21st century books about valkyrie and vampire occupy the top lines of the popularity rating. Even in children's literature, Dmitry Emets devoted a lot of pages to the Valkyries in the series about Mefodya Buslaev.

The most famous works about the legendary warriors are:

  1. "My Ragnarok" by Max Fry.
  2. "Valkyrie" by Maria Semenova.
  3. "The keeper of swords" Nick Perumov.
  4. "Where the gray-haired god" Robert Howard went.
  5. "Valkyries" by Paolo Coelho.