13 simple tips for which you do not have to pay a psychologist

In difficult situations, the help of a psychologist is a wand-help, so it is not worth completely sweeping it away. Before you sign up for an appointment, check out the free tips that can help you today.

The services of a psychologist can not be called a cheap pleasure, especially if the specialist is in demand. But thanks to the polls conducted, it was possible to establish the 13 most popular councils that people hear in consultations, coming with different problems. Now we will tell about them without taking a penny from you.

1. Learn to let go

Parting with something is always difficult, whether a long relationship or a conflict situation. People can, without realizing, continue to scroll in your head, analyze, try to change, but still run into rebuff. In such situations, you need to put a point and say "bye!". Believe me, it's much easier to live this way.

2. Go to the goal step by step

Making global changes at a time is difficult, and sometimes impossible, so you need to move to the goal gradually, making small little shots. This rule can be applied to different spheres. In addition, we can not forget the information that the habit is developed in 20 days and it is fixed at the same time.

3. Spill emotions

If a person restrains himself in different situations, then the emotional tension arises, which can lead to serious consequences: unjustified mood swings, outbursts of aggression, hysterics and so on. Psychologists advise doing a discharge, and for this there are several ways. For example, you can talk about your experiences to friends, ride an attraction, jump with a parachute, beat a pillow or just scream.

4. Do not focus on assessing others

The way to nowhere is to compare yourself with other people, because all are different with their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. You can look at the lives of others to learn something for yourself, but here's to live under a carbon paper - a mistake.

5. Accept and love yourself

An important step to a happy life is to love yourself. You need to accept yourself with all the pros and cons. An important step in order to become a happy person is to realize and accept all your mistakes, because they made you stronger and smarter. Psychologists believe that if you do not learn to love yourself, then expect this from other people also not worth it.

6. Problems from childhood

Almost all psychologists at the first session are asked to talk about their childhood and parents. There are a lot of theories proving that most of the problems come from childhood. To remedy the situation, it is necessary to find an explanation of why in different situations parents acted in one way or another. It is important to understand, forgive and release all grievances, which will allow you to correct your behavior in the present.

7. Learn to praise yourself

Praise and encouragement are important incentives not to stop and continue to move in the right direction. If you can not get it from others, then learn to praise yourself. As an incentive can act different sweets, clothes, going to the movies and so on. In the opinion of psychologists this helps to learn to respect yourself and not to give up.

8. Put limits to your comfort

Many people go to a psychologist to solve problems related to relationships with other people, for example, their mother-in-law or their boss. Advice from specialists - put clear boundaries and do not allow them to cross anyone. This decision will cause the opponent to respect, and will be the first step on the way to solving the main problem.

9. Take care of others, and do not change them

A common problem that often manifests itself in the relationship between a man and a woman. The desire to change a partner can and has good intentions, but in most cases it causes conflicts and the desired result can not be expected. If a person does not ask for advice, then you do not have to climb to him with your obsessive opinion. The behavior of people around is a reflection of your behavior, and you need to change your perception.

10. Many problems are far-fetched

A common problem is a dialogue with an inner voice, which in most cases has a negative color. Talking with yourself about what would happen if you acted differently, the search for the cause of the various actions of others do not carry any benefit in themselves, but, on the contrary, they build problems. Therefore, one must learn to break this chain of unnecessary thoughts.

11. Talk about feelings, but do not evaluate others.

One of the main causes of conflicts is that people prefer to blame the other, pointing out the drawbacks, which forces the opponent to defend. The right decision - tell us about your experiences and feelings, thus giving the person food for thought and a chance to correct the situation.

12. Look for benefits in every situation

People are given different tests that need to be overcome, drawing conclusions. This is a kind of experience, thanks to which in the future it will be possible to avoid this. For example, if you were fired at work, then there was time to realize yourself in another place, a conflict arose-that means you need to analyze the reasons that provoked it so that you would not make such mistakes anymore.

13. Exit the comfort zone

This advice psychologists give to people who have problems in any area of ​​life, whether it is work or a search for the second half. If you want life to play with new colors, you need to act, not wait.