How to lose weight in the buttocks?

For women with the type of figure "pear" it is the buttocks and hips that are the most problematic part. To maintain a beautiful state of the figure, it is necessary to make regular efforts, and to stop this being a burden, there is only one way: to adjust your diet and lifestyle for once and for all so that you do not have to again sit on diets and wind up the kilometers at the stadium. We will consider in detail how to lose weight in the buttocks.

What to do to lose weight buttocks?

Many believe that you can lose weight specifically in one desired area. And can you get well in one place, where you want? No, because your genetically embedded type of figure decides everything for you. It is for this simple reason that local weight loss is also impossible.

"Then how to lose weight in the buttocks?" - you ask. Very simply: when you take a common set of measures for losing weight, your body will split fat cells in general, and will surely get to your problem area. And it all begins with proper nutrition.

All that you can do is to increase the strain on this area, in order to increase blood circulation, which will somewhat contribute to the splitting of fatty deposits. In addition, muscles generally spend more energy on their maintenance than fat cells, so in the process of playing sports, any person begins to lose weight more intensively.

In addition, sports accelerates the metabolism, but it depends on it, how quickly you will see the desired results.

How to lose weight in the buttocks and thighs: diet

In order to lose weight, you need to remove from the diet excess fats and simple carbohydrates . In fact, it means giving up fried, fatty, sweet and flour. In fact, it will not be difficult if you are really ready to go to your goal.

The correct diet looks something like this:

  1. Breakfast: half a cup of cottage cheese with a banana, tea.
  2. Lunch: vegetable salad (with light dressing, not with mayonnaise), soup, tea.
  3. Dinner: boiled or baked meat, poultry, fish with garnish of cereals or vegetables.
  4. Before going to bed: a glass of 1% kefir or light ryazhenka.

If during the day you feel hungry, drink a glass of water with lemon, tea with milk or eat fruit (except banana and grapes).

How to lose weight in the buttocks: Exercise

To lose weight in the buttocks quickly, you do not have to dwell on the diet alone, but add workouts. It is important to understand that classes once a week will not give any effect, and you need to train at least 4-5 times a week, and better - every day. With this mode, you will get the desired result as quickly as possible, and the bonus will be an appetizing, tightened buttock shape.

It is not necessary to choose complex acrobatic complexes, quite simple and familiar from childhood exercises. The daily morning charge according to this plan is ideal:

  1. Cut all the joints, twist them in each direction.
  2. Arrange a jog on the spot or jump with a rope for 10-12 minutes.
  3. Perform deep squats (3 sets of 20 times).
  4. Perform classic attacks (3 sets of 15 times on each leg).
  5. Perform legs with legs (3 sets of 15 times per foot).
  6. Perform the simplest complex of stretching (for example the one you remember from school physical education).

It is important to regularly replace exercises or increase the load, because in 1-2 months all this will work out for you too simply, and there will be no effect. Therefore, regularly find new sets of exercises for yourself - fortunately, now there are a lot of them on the Internet. One of the variants of the complex you can see below in the annex to this article.