Anal sex after childbirth

For a long period of time after the birth of the baby, young parents can not fully enjoy each other. The organism of the newly mummy needs to be restored, so traditional sexual relations are prohibited.

Meanwhile, both a woman and a man, despite the appearance in the house of a new member of the family, do not want to deny themselves the pleasure. That's why some couples decide to experience pleasure in a not quite traditional way - with the help of anal penetration.

Can I have anal sex right after birth?

Although many women mistakenly believe that the doctor after childbirth recommends them to abstain for 6-8 weeks exclusively from vaginal sex, in fact, all such prohibitions apply to anal contacts. Even with this kind of coition between the spouses, a rather appreciable pressure and noticeable tension is created on the vaginal area, which is absolutely unacceptable for at least 4 weeks after delivery.

In addition, during anal penetration, internal damage to the mucous membrane and the integrity of the rectum can not be ruled out. All this can bring a significant inconvenience to a young mother, so it's best to postpone anal sex until the body is completely restored.

If a woman feels well, does not feel any discomfort and is ready to try to resume sexual relations with her husband, in the presence of secretions after childbirth, anal sex is certainly preferable. Meanwhile, such penetration is strictly not recommended, if a young mother has any damage to the rectum or anus, and also at least one of the signs of developing hemorrhoids.

In the presence of such circumstances, the parents of a newborn baby can experience pleasure only through oral-genital contacts. In particular, most gynecologists agree that stimulation of the clitoris of a young mother not only does not carry any danger, starting from the first days after childbirth, but it is even useful, because it contributes to a faster reduction of the uterus.

In all cases, before making love with her husband, a woman who has experienced the joy of motherhood, it is necessary to consult a doctor. A qualified doctor will conduct a thorough examination, objectively assess the general condition of the young mother and give recommendations regarding whether it is possible to return to a sexual life after childbirth and, in particular, have anal sex, or better wait a little longer.