Divination of the Berendeys

Berendeys were called nomadic tribes, which have long been absent from our land, but their legacy and knowledge remained. First of all, this concerns the fortune-telling of the Berendeys, which is based on interaction with nature. Even during its existence, this people tried to unravel the mysteries of nature, worshiping its gods and powers. To predict future events, fortune-telling was conducted. The Berendeys believed that it was the trees that could protect themselves from various misfortunes and open the curtain of secrets, enabling them to look into the future.

Fortune telling on leaves of trees

Even modern psychics confirm the existence of forces of nature that can give energy, help to find the right way in life and answers to all questions. Slavs have always been one with nature and knew the significance of each plant, for example, birch, was considered an assistant in the work, and rowan predicted a pleasant surprise.

Berendeyev fortune telling helps to find out about his future, personal life and work. For him, plant leaves are used, because people believed that every tree, bush and flower has a soul that can tell a lot of important information. It is worth noting that, although it has been a long time, the method of predicting and interpreting has come down to our days practically unchanged.

Conducting fortune-telling on the leaves of trees is necessary in the forest or park on the first day of the new moon. Ideally, if this day will be good weather and there will be no wind. It is important that nothing interferes and does not distract, because you need to devote yourself entirely to fortune-telling. Before you go to the park and start the divination, be sure to wash, dissolve the hair and take off all the jewelry. Wandering through the forest, pay attention to all the details on which particular tree a woodpecker has knocked or a bird has sung, where a leaf fell, etc. You can not ask any questions, nature will do everything for you.

In order to begin the interpretation of the Beerdeev fortune telling on the leaves, it is necessary to take into account the name of the tree that gave the sign. If you do not know it, it indicates that it is worth preparing for certain events in life, and they can be both good and bad.

Interpretation of fortune-telling:

  1. Birch indicates that soon there will be some serious changes at the workplace and, perhaps, it will be dismissal.
  2. Maple means that someone in the near future will tell a secret and you need to keep it.
  3. Spruce warns of the approach of serious trouble, so you should be on the alert.
  4. Pine will tell you that someone wants to deceive, so in the near future, do not trust anyone.
  5. Rowan promises an approximation of positive changes in life.
  6. Lime is a bad omen that promises sorrow.

There is another fortune telling on the leaves, which should be done only in the autumn. It is necessary to go to the park and pick up nine leaves: two red, green and yellow. Belonging to one or the other tree does not matter. Fold them in one pile and mix well, and then, at random, get three leaves and look at their color.

Interpretation of divination: