What is glutamine?
Glutamine is a conditionally indispensable amino acid and our muscles are 60% of it and consist of. This fact alone speaks frankly about the importance of glutamine in bodybuilding. He is responsible for the immune function, has an anti-catabolic effect, is important for the health of the liver, pancreas, kidneys. It freely circulates in our blood and in the absence of high sports loads, there is no need to take a special sports nutrition with glutamine, it is sufficient to receive it with food.
Cases of overdose are practically absent, because the body binds only those molecules that are necessary for it at the moment, and excess glutamine is freely excreted from the body. The daily dose is 4-6 g, and an overdose occurs only when consumed above 15 g and manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the intestine.
When and why should I take glutamine?
Glutamine in its pure form or in complex supplements should be taken before training and before bedtime. Glutamine before training is needed to provide us with energy (the best source of energy after glucose), and also to protect against the destruction of muscle tissue. In addition, the properties of glutamine allow it to act as an anabolic, and also to reduce the maximum energy expenditure of myosin (muscle tissue). In addition, glutamine increases the level of glucose in the blood and at the same time does not allow insulin to rise sharply. Due to this, fatty acids are cleaved, and subcutaneous fat is not formed.
There is much debate about why glutamine is needed and whether there is any benefit from it. However, just one of all the numerous results of experiments is enough to understand its value.
Glutamine for women also plays a special role. As you know, all the representatives of the fair sex in one way or another want to lose weight. And to lose weight without a certain amount of muscle mass is not easy. That's why we should strive to build them up in training and not allow muscle catabolism. In addition, its administration is especially useful before bedtime, when growth hormone is turned on. Glutamine activates its work, as a result - cells multiply faster.
So, in sports glutamine, like many other amino acids , takes a special place, because its entry and stay in our body is natural, and the functions that it performs are integral to sports.