Herculean porridge on the water

Herculean porridge - a familiar, traditional dish for breakfast. Oat flakes contain a lot of valuable vegetable proteins and fats, which means that flakes have a high energy value. In addition, the croup contains gluten, vitamins B, PP, E, calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium salts, fiber. Oatmeal adsorbs well the salts of heavy metals and has a high total nutritional value. The proteins contained in the oats contain all the amino acids and are well absorbed by the body.

The use of Hercules porridge on water has long been proven by doctors and nutritionists. Oatmeal is recommended as a dietary supplement for liver diseases, atherosclerosis, diabetes and just as a useful nutritious and nutritious breakfast, as it is useful for the gastrointestinal tract. Oats, due to the high fiber content, perfectly cleans the intestines from accumulated slags. One portion of oatmeal contains a quarter of the daily fiber norm. In addition, oatmeal is useful for the prevention of heart disease and lowering cholesterol in the blood. With all the other advantages, Herculean porridge on the water, there is another plus - a recipe for cooking this dish is able to master even a child.

Herculean porridge on the water



Pour the flakes into a saucepan, pour the rump with boiled water, mix, a little salt, leave to swell for 2-3 minutes. Then we put the saucepan on a small fire and bring it to a boil, turn off the fire. We let the porridge cool down and mix. After 2 minutes, the porridge thickens strongly. In the porridge you can add dried apricots, raisins, prunes, honey, fresh berries or fruit.

Herculean porridge on the water in the microwave

With the help of a microwave oven, delicious gherkins porridge on the water can be cooked even faster.



Fill flakes with boiling water, add sugar and salt. Water should cover the flakes by about a centimeter. We put a bowl of porridge in the microwave for 3 minutes at full power. We take out the porridge, mix it, let it stand for 3 to 4 more minutes. We add dried fruits, nuts, honey or berries.