Charlotte in a multivark - simple and quick recipes for a tasty pie

Favorite by many charlotte in the multivark is even more magnificent and delicate, rather than when decorating a delicacy in a traditional way in the oven. The result exceeds all the boldest expectations, and the risk of possible failures is reduced to a minimum.

How to cook charlotte in a multivariate?

To apple apples in the multivarque succeeded above all praise, you must comply with some basic requirements:

  1. When using granulated sugar, it is ground and whipped with eggs or other used base until the crystals dissolve completely.
  2. Apples are necessarily cleaned, rid of the core with seeds and shredded lobules or large cubes. When using other fruits or vegetables, prepare them according to the recommendations in the recipe.
  3. Fruit or vegetable slicing is placed on the bottom or injected directly into the dough before placing it in the device. The result will be different, but in any case positive.

Charlotte on kefir in the multivark

The charlotte recipe in the multivark, presented below, assumes the use of kefir as a base component. The sour milk product allows to obtain a more moist texture of the cake, increasing its juiciness and splendor. For best effect, yogurt is heated to a warm state and mixed with a baking powder. After spending just one hour, you can complement the tea party with a decent dessert and feed the six eaters.



  1. Mix all the ingredients for the dough with a mixer and spread it into an oiled multicast.
  2. Topped with prepared apple slices, sprinkled with cinnamon, and pressing a little.
  3. Prepare the charlotte in the multivark for fifty minutes in the "Bake" mode.

Charlotte with bananas in the multivark

The classical design of dessert over time has acquired a lot of interesting and very fruitful variations. For example, a banana charlotte in a multivar can not be less tasty and entertaining in content. It affects both the delicate structure of delicacies and its amazing aroma. Six portions of delicious desserts can be prepared in one hour, including heat treatment.



  1. Beat thoroughly sweetened egg mass mixed with sifted flour base and put in an oiled bowl.
  2. On top spread evenly over the entire surface of banana pieces.
  3. Bake a charlotte in the multivark on the appropriate mode for fifty minutes.

Charlotte with mandarins in the multivark

The implementation of this recipe will help to look at the characteristics of your favorite pie in a completely new way. A delicious charlotte in a multivarquet with the addition of tangerine slices will please both citrus lovers and those who are indifferent to them. Here they successfully complement the biscuit dough, creating a harmonious dessert dish. In 80 minutes on your table will be a fragrant dessert for eight people.



  1. Citruses are cleaned, rid of white veins and placed in the oiled capacity of the device.
  2. Whisk thoroughly until an increase in the volume of the sweetened egg mass, inject gently with flour and zest and spread the substance into the bowl.
  3. Preparing such a charlotte in the multivark at the "Bake" for an hour.

Charlotte with cherry in the multivark

Next, you will learn how to bake a charlotte in a multivarquet, using frozen or fresh cherry berries without pits as a filler. To prevent the juice from escaping from them during heat treatment, the cherry should be wrapped in a starch before laying the dough. From the indicated number of components, a pie will be produced into six portions, and the whole process will take about one and a half hours.



  1. Combine all the ingredients for the dough and whisk with a mixer until smooth and airy.
  2. Spread the resulting base in an oiled multicastry.
  3. From above distribute the berries mixed with a starch.
  4. After 80 minutes baking in the appropriate mode, the charlotte in the multivarquet will be ready.

Charlotte with cottage cheese in a multivariate

If you want to bake at home an appetizing curd cake, a charlotte in a multivarque with cottage cheese will be an excellent option for realizing the idea. A harmonious combination of products in this dessert, along with the simplicity of the process, will make this option one of your favorites. The device will cope with baking in about an hour, and another ten minutes you will spend to create a pie test, which is enough for six standard servings.


For cottage cheese stuffing:


  1. Apples are prepared, cut into slices and spread half in multicastry.
  2. Whip the ingredients for the dough and fillings separately and lay them in layers in a bowl.
  3. Top off the remaining apple slices.
  4. Prepare the cake for "Baking" for an hour.

Charlotte with cabbage in a multicrew

A lavish charlotte in a multivark can be made out in the form of a snack pie and cooked with a filling of cabbage. If desired, the taste of the food can be enriched by replacing part of the cabbage with mushrooms, sausage or ham, while increasing the nutritional value and caloric value of the dish. To prepare six portions of a delicious pie, it will take an hour and a half of your time.



  1. Cabbage is shredded medium-sized and fried in vegetable fat together with the crushed bulb until soft, including the program "Frying".
  2. The egg mixture with salt, sugar and baking powder is beaten to a lush texture, flour is introduced.
  3. Pour the dough into a bowl, stir with cabbage toast.
  4. A cabbage charlotte is prepared in the multivark at the "Bake" mode for 1 hour.

Charlotte without eggs in the multivark

Next, a simple charlotte recipe in a multivariate for those who follow a post or is a supporter of vegetarianism. The dough is prepared without eggs and does not contain dairy products and animal fats. The taste characteristics remain at the height due to the use of orange juice, sweetened with sugar cane, as the basis. Six portions of dessert will be ready in eighty minutes.



  1. Mix all the ingredients for the dough, adding soda, which was extinguished with lemon juice.
  2. Dough and apple or banana slices are spread in a multicastry.
  3. The Lenten charlotte is prepared in a multivariate at Baking for seventy minutes.