Cupcake in a bread maker - recipe

Many from childhood remember the festive smell of delicious baking. Today electronic kitchen assistants gave people time for rest and entertainment, performing laborious and hard work for them. Now, in practice, all lovers of delicious fresh pastries bought bakery. And we, in turn, will tell you how to bake a cake in a bread maker. This process is not very easy, if you do everything with your hands, but imagine how much it simplifies, if you only need to put the necessary products in a bowl. Do other things, and the car will do the work for you. First a little information on how to make a muffin in a bread maker:

Curd cake in bread maker

To bake this tender, delicious cupcake, we only need to buy all the necessary products and load into the bowl of the bread maker, following our recipe.



Melt the melted meat. Put all products in the bowl of the bread maker in the indicated order and bake on the "Cupcake" mode.

Approximately, kneading the dough will take about 10 minutes, then 5 minutes the dough will settle, and about 1 hour will take the baking itself. When the time comes to an end, check the readiness with a match. Pierce the cupcake in the center, if the match is dry - the cupcake is ready.

If you want to bake a cake in a bread maker with raisins - safely fall asleep in the recipe listed in 100 g. Do not like raisins, but like chocolate? Then add the amount of cocoa indicated in the recipe. If you wanted to bake a chocolate cake in a bread maker - the recipe with the addition of cocoa will just have to your liking.

Cupcake on kefir in bread maker

An interesting taste and a more loose structure gives the cupcake added kefir to the dough. Adding different candied fruits, crushed nuts, or raisins for both the "Metropolitan" cake will also make a new flavor note to each cupcake you cooked.



Beat eggs with sugar and add the remaining ingredients. We bake a cake with candied fruits for about an hour and a half in the "Cupcake" mode, at the end checking for readiness with a wooden stick.

Now it remains only to brew fragrant coffee and take thanks from the home.

Lemon cake in the bread maker

Despite the simplicity of the recipe, the lemon cake in the bread maker is one of the most popular.



First, whisk eggs and sugar in any convenient way, the foam should be quite dense. We shift it into the form of a bread maker.

There we put margarine, aged in a warm place, and already softened, zest and lemon juice, flour, baking powder. Turn the "Cupcake" mode on and wait for the end of the lemon cake cooking for a pleasant pastime.