Leg with mayonnaise and garlic in the oven - the best ideas for making a hearty and delicious dish

Chicken with mayonnaise and garlic in the oven - familiar to everyone, a simple and favorite since childhood dish. Of the minimum number of ingredients (chicken and sauce), you get a fragrant dish, easy to prepare, but able to become the main one on the table.

How to cook a whole leg with mayonnaise?

Meat, baked with mayonnaise with the addition of spices and garlic, is a simple and delicious treat. There are several ways to cook a whole leg in the oven, and they are all good:

  1. Meat can be put for an hour or more in the marinade for ham in the oven with mayonnaise, and you can pour garlic-mayonnaise sauce already laid on the baking sheet.
  2. Before putting the chicken in a mold, it is recommended to wash it with water and rub it with salt and spices.
  3. The whole leg with mayonnaise and garlic in the oven turns out juicier if made in foil or sleeve.
  4. If you bake a dish just on a baking sheet, you can water the meat periodically with fat, which is released when baking, then it will not be dry.

Chicken thigh in oven under mayonnaise

Chicken thigh with garlic and mayonnaise - a dish with an unmatched flavor and taste, which requires very little time to cook. For it, and appreciate the housewife. You can bake a whole leg, and you can divide it into pieces, so it turns out juicier, because every marinade will permeate every bit. As additional seasonings, black, red, even white ground pepper or a mixture is used.



  1. Rinse the whole leg and put it in a greased form. Season as desired.
  2. Mayonnaise and finely chopped garlic mix together and coat the pieces on top.
  3. Cook the whole leg with garlic in the oven for 45 minutes.

Leg in oven with mayonnaise on the sleeve

Bacon stews baked with garlic, spices and mayonnaise in the sleeve are much juicier than those prepared simply on a baking sheet, because the sleeve will not allow meat to get stuck, lose juice and weight. To get a rosy crust, you can remove the film for 8-10 minutes until ready and give the chicken a little toast. If you add the red sweet pepper-paprika, the marinade will have a beautiful pinkish color.



  1. Garlic chopped, mixed with spices and mayonnaise, salt.
  2. Chop the whole leg, roll well in marinade, put in a sleeve.
  3. Tie up the sleeve from all sides, make a small puncture for the air outlet.
  4. Bake a whole leg with mayonnaise and garlic in the oven for 35-40 minutes.

Leg in oven with cheese and mayonnaise

Chicken thigh with garlic under the cheese fried crust fall in love with all family members. It is desirable to cut them into smaller parts so that the marinade is distributed evenly. Instead of simple hard or cheese for pizza, you can take even fused or smoked. The cook's fantasies are not limited.



  1. Prepare the sauce from garlic, chopped finely, and mayonnaise. Salt.
  2. Cheese grate large, mix with greens.
  3. Push aside the chicken skin on the legs and put the cheese there (about 50-60 g of cheese will go into each leg).
  4. Top the pieces of meat with sauce, put baked for 45-55 minutes.

Leg with mustard and mayonnaise in the oven

Juicy chicken legs with garlic in the oven can be made under an island flavored marinade from mayonnaise and mustard. Spices in a lot of meat is not recommended, because the food will turn out to be acute. Meat before cooking should be washed and dried on a piece of linen or cotton cloth. Garlic in the dish is also much better not to put, enough for one head per kilogram of meat. Serve the whole leg with mayonnaise, mustard and garlic in the oven well with potatoes.



  1. Chicken meat rinse, dry.
  2. Garlic mash with spices in a mortar. Coat the obtained composition with chicken.
  3. Put in the oven for 25-35 minutes.
  4. Prepare marinade from mustard and mayonnaise, mixing these ingredients well.
  5. Coat the marinade carefully with a half-finished dish and bake a whole leg with mayonnaise, mustard and garlic in the oven for another 15-20 minutes.

Leg with Adzhika and mayonnaise in the oven

The classic recipe for ham in the oven with garlic can be varied with a sharp adzhika. It will add a piquant taste to the dish. Salts and spices a lot to put meat is not necessary: ​​adzhika already salty and peppery. It is recommended during cooking to periodically get chicken and water it with fat, appearing on a baking sheet. You can add on top pieces of jalapeno pepper.



  1. Mayonnaise, adzhika, garlic, spices (if necessary) put in a bowl, stir.
  2. For half an hour pickled chicken legs in a bowl.
  3. Put in the oven for an hour, periodically pouring the meat with fat.

Duck thigh with garlic

Duck leg in mayonnaise with garlic looks great on the festive table. Duck meat is tough in itself, so it can soften the marinade from mayonnaise. Before cooking, the meat should be soaked for several hours in water with the addition of vinegar. The ducklings are well combined with citrus, so it is recommended to make mayonnaise sauce with lemon juice.



  1. Pour in a pan in a saucepan of 3 liters of cold water. Add vinegar, if desired oregano, bay leaf and other spices. Leave for 2-3 hours in a cool place.
  2. Meat to get and dry.
  3. Prepare sauce from garlic, lemon juice, mayonnaise. Smear the meat from all sides.
  4. Bake in the sleeve for about 60 minutes.

Leg with potatoes in the oven with mayonnaise

A whole leg with potatoes and garlic in the oven can be cooked either on a baking sheet or in foil. In the second case, the dish will stay warm longer, and the potatoes will be better soaked with juice from chicken meat and garlic flavor. You can add a spoonful of sour cream to the mayonnaise and garlic sauce, so it will turn out more gently.



  1. Wash meat and dry it on a piece of cloth. Cut into smaller pieces.
  2. Prepare the mayonnaise-sour cream sauce with garlic and cover them with pieces of meat from all sides.
  3. Put on the foil cut into slices of potatoes, top the meat. Bake the potatoes and ham in the oven with mayonnaise for about 45 minutes.