Can pregnant women drink coffee?

Having a habit of drinking a cup of invigorating natural coffee in the morning, it will be interesting for pregnant women to know if they can do it, or whether they should take care of their body and the baby under their heart.

All tonic drinks cause vasodilation and, consequently, an increase in blood pressure. If a woman already has problems with it, then natural coffee under strict prohibition. Pressure surges can trigger placental abruption and bleeding at any time. Do not forget that this action has a strong black tea, which some pass during the carrying of the baby. Do not replace these drinks with each other, since the load on the body will be almost the same.

If you really want to feel the divine fragrance, you can deceive the body, brewing yourself a cup of loose chicory root , which has long been replaced by coffee. This natural drink perfectly tones up the body without caffeine and has in its composition useful micronutrients, which every pregnant woman needs. However, they should not be abused - it will be enough to have one teaspoon per cup once or twice a day.

Can pregnant women drink instant coffee?

There is an opinion that in soluble coffee, caffeine is negligible. This is in fact so, but still its amount in large dosages will have a detrimental effect on the body of mother and baby. If the mother suffers from insomnia, which is not uncommon in later terms, the use of even instant coffee may unnecessarily activate the nervous system and the problem will be aggravated even more.

Can pregnant women drink coffee with milk?

Adding a cup of black coffee with fresh milk, the drink acquires a softer and harmonious taste. Because of this, there is a deceptive idea that coffee with milk is completely harmless for pregnant women. But this is misleading, since milk only reduces the concentration of caffeine, which adversely affects the fetus, but does not neutralize it at all. The same goes for adding condensed milk.

Is it possible for pregnant women to drink decaffeinated coffee?

Buying the treasured jar with the inscription "without caffeine", we hope that nothing bad from this drink will happen. Of course, it is made in such a way that the content of the harmful component in it is actually small. But it was not possible to completely rid the instant coffee of the basic substance giving it a characteristic bitterish flavor.

Of course, comparing natural coffee and a decaffeinated drink, the latter has a weaker effect on the body, and some doctors advise to replace them with strong coffee. This does not mean that the norm of cups of coffee per day should remain the same as before the pregnancy. It is allowed to use only a small dosage to, as they say, "knock down".

Like any other bad habit, excessive coffee consumption, of course, negatively affects the body, but you can not refuse it sharply because the body can simply fail, which will lead to irreversible consequences.

This is what modern young doctors think, but those who have worked for a long time in the field of gynecology and therapy are convinced that coffee should be discarded as soon as the woman has learned about her pregnancy, or even better, even in the process of her planning. It is noted that caffeine in excess can cause inability to fertilize both in men and in women.

Gathering together the opinions of various doctors, you can conclude for yourself that it is quite possible to survive without coffee for a while (the period of pregnancy and lactation). Especially if you take into account that all foods, useful or harmful, penetrate the placental barrier to the baby. Regular use of any type of coffee will not make a child healthier, and this should be remembered when you want to please yourself with another portion of caffeine.