Detachment of the placenta in pregnancy

Premature detachment of normal placenta leads to bleeding, and later, without urgent treatment, to miscarriage. In the event that detachment is observed at the edges of the placenta and the blood penetrates between the wall and the uterus, this bleeding refers to the external bleeding. A sign of internal bleeding is a blood separation of the placenta, resulting in a hematoma. In this case, there is a more pronounced clinical picture. Blood infiltrates the uterine wall, exfoliates the muscle fibers, penetrates the outer cover of the uterine wall, as a result of which the uterus becomes peculiar.

Let's see what causes the placenta detachment during pregnancy?

Causes and mechanism of disease occurrence

Vascular transformation in the area of ​​the uterine placental site is considered by doctors as a functional inferiority in future mothers and compared with the pathology of vessels in toxicoses, hypovitaminosis, nephritis. Doctors conduct research to identify predisposing causes and detect a vivid clinical picture, which is manifested by the stress of the uterus (with its protrusion, and the foci of pain appear, and the suffocation of the fetus may also occur). An acute anemia is observed in a sufficiently large area when the placenta is detached. All these signs are combined with the appearance of shock: the patient complains that her head is spinning, she is sick, tears, there are sharp enough pains in the abdomen. The patient looks pale, her skin is in a cold sweat, the pulse is fast, the pressure is low, very restless.

What do the doctors do in the diagnosis of placental abruption during pregnancy?

When detachment of the placenta during pregnancy is performed by cesarean. During labor, it is necessary to open the fetal bladder, which in most cases stops further plaiting of the placenta, accelerate the emptying of the uterus by applying forceps or a special device that is used to facilitate childbirth. In the postpartum period, manual removal of the placenta is mandatory, and the uterine cavity is subject to mandatory examination.

The early period after childbirth can be complicated by bleeding due to inadequate tonus of the uterus (atony) muscles or on the ground of hypo-fibrinogenemia (blood clotting disorders, third phase). With very large hemorrhages in the uterus, doctors recommend a cesarean section, after which a supravaginal amputation is performed.

Is pregnancy possible after placental abruption?

Doctors recommend to become pregnant after the transferred operative intervention a year later, not earlier. During this time, the woman's uterus will be able to recover from the operation, and the woman will again be ready to feel the joy of the birth of a new life within herself.