Frozen pregnancy - reasons

Frozen pregnancy is the stoppage of embryo development. The main cause of it are genetic disorders. Also, the frozen fetus during pregnancy can be a consequence of hormonal disorders (imbalance between estrogen and progesterone), autoimmune disorders, antidepressant medication, stress and some infectious diseases (influenza, herpes, rubella, citalomegavirus, toxoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis). The cause of frozen pregnancy can be the reception of alcohol, tobacco, drugs. The risk of a frozen pregnancy with IVF (artificial insemination) is also increasing. In some cases, it is difficult to determine why the pregnancy stops, but two frozen pregnancies give rise to detailed examination and genetic research, and women and men. According to statistics, the frozen pregnancy makes about 15-25% of pregnancy outcomes. The terms of the frozen pregnancy can vary from the first to the last days of pregnancy. To date, it is calculated, at what time the pregnancy stops most often. The eighth week is considered to be the most dangerous, also the baby is most vulnerable to 3-4, 8-11 and 16-18 weeks, more rare cases of a dead pregnancy at a later date. In early terms, signs of a frozen pregnancy are implicit, the doctor comes to the doctor already at the stages of intoxication of the body. To avoid health problems, it is necessary to apply to specialists for any, even minor deviations and disturbances of well-being.

Signs of a stiff pregnancy

Some time after stopping the development of the fetus, a woman may not feel any disturbances, especially if the pregnancy is frozen at an early age. Symptoms of frozen pregnancy is the disappearance of signs of pregnancy - swelling of the mammary glands, nausea, vomiting in the morning. There may appear sap or spotting, pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region. Frozen pregnancy in the second trimester and later terms has more pronounced symptoms, the child stops moving, the general condition worsens. Most often the frozen pregnancy ends with miscarriage, but if the fetus is not removed, there are signs of intoxication, changes occur in the general condition of the woman. Also, with a frozen pregnancy, a temperature increase occurs. The basal temperature may decrease, but in some cases exceeds 37 C. An accurate diagnosis can be made only after the examination.

How to determine a frozen pregnancy

To avoid mistakes in determining a frozen pregnancy, you need to undergo a special examination. If you suspect a frozen pregnancy The examination consists of a gynecological examination, ultrasound, a hormonal blood test. Other tests with a frozen pregnancy are appointed depending on the possible causes of fading and the general condition of the woman. Ultrasound with a frozen pregnancy shows no heartbeat in the fetus, anembrion. Inconsistency of the gestational age of the uterus is revealed by gynecological examination. The level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in a frozen pregnancy is determined by hormonal research. The growth of hCG with the stopped pregnancy stops.

Treatment of a stiff pregnancy

After carrying out special tests and tests with a frozen pregnancy, you can try to save the fetus, but only if the cause is a hormonal disorder. In cases of genetic abnormalities and the impact of negative factors, doctors do not recommend interfering with the process of stopping the development of the embryo.

Treatment after a stiff pregnancy

Depending on the state of health, timing and other individual factors, the doctor determines the treatment tactics and the method of cleansing after a stiff pregnancy. Most often waiting for a few days to occur a natural miscarriage. If this does not happen, the fetus is removed artificially. Scraping with a dead pregnancy is appointed in the case of late maturity. If the period is up to 8 weeks, then special medications are prescribed that cause uterine contractions and removal of the fetal egg. Vacuum aspiration can also be prescribed. Repeated tests after a dead pregnancy are appointed two weeks after cleansing. The doctor may prescribe an additional examination to check the condition of the uterus. Untimely cleansing after a frozen pregnancy can lead to a deterioration of the woman's health, strong intoxication and inflammation of the uterus. The consequences of a frozen pregnancy also depend on the timeliness of the treatment and the correct method. Most women after the first frozen pregnancy successfully bear and give birth to children. But 2 frozen pregnancies indicate that there are problems that need to be addressed in order to have healthy children in the future.

Planning pregnancy after a stiff pregnancy

Monthly after the frozen pregnancy can be irregular, it takes time to restore the cycle. Sex after a dead pregnancy should be safe, it is better to discuss the question of contraception with the attending physician in advance. Pregnancy in a month after the frozen pregnancy is inadmissible, the risk of repetition of failure increases. The woman's body should recover, the hormonal background should be normalized. This will take at least six months. Preparing for pregnancy after a stiff pregnancy should include health measures, adequate nutrition and saturation of the body with the necessary nutrients. Before you become pregnant after a stiff pregnancy, it is recommended to undergo examination for urogenital infections, pelvic ultrasound, blood tests that determine the level of autoantibodies, homocysteine, rubella antibody titer, thyroid hormones. If necessary, an additional examination may be prescribed. Failures in attempts to become pregnant cause severe psychological disorders, against this background, depression, feelings of inferiority may develop. At this time, women need support and understanding. Communicating in women's forums about pregnancy after a stiff pregnancy helps to overcome stress, gives an opportunity to discuss the problem with those who have already encountered such a situation, and get advice from women who have coped with this problem.

Only in rare cases, the cause of frozen pregnancy are serious pathological disorders. Basically, these factors can be eliminated, the main thing is to be persistent and believe in success. With proper actions, a frozen pregnancy will not affect subsequent pregnancy, and it will not prevent the birth of a healthy baby.