Zoning Space

Zoning - one of the methods of dividing the general space of the room into functional areas.

Methods of space zoning

Most often, the problem of the division of space rises before the owners of one-room apartments, where several people live. The zoning of space in a one-room apartment is conditioned by the need to separate several meaning zones - the zone of sleep, rest, work, storage of things. The boundaries of these zones should be clearly marked. The simplest and most affordable way is zoning space with curtains or sliding screens.

Another sufficiently popular and simultaneously effective method is the use of all sorts of partitions for the zoning of space. For example, partitions made of glass blocks or frosted glass will, if necessary, seclude themselves, but at the same time they will not make the space completely deaf. Fans of environmental materials for zoning space can recommend wooden partitions . They can be decorated with painting or carving, emphasizing the beauty of the wood texture with a special composition. All this only add to the originality and uniqueness of your interior.

You can also use furniture as partitions. So installing end-to-end racks for zoning space will, for example, separate the work area from the sleep zone. A zoning space bedroom - living room can be successfully carried out with a conventional sofa, unfolding it with the back to the center of the room. Then the soft part is the sleeping area, and, putting a table or a curb to the back, we get a living room area.

Enough effective reception of a smooth zoning space, when the zones are only designated, and not sharply delimited, is the use of contrasting wallpaper to highlight a part of the space.


For the zoning of space, also use a variety of decorative panels, which in a wide range are represented in specialized construction stores.