Film for windows instead of curtains

The self-adhesive window film applied to the glass is able not only to decorate the interior, but to prevent bright sun rays from entering the room. Also, glass, with a protective self-adhesive film applied to it, becomes safer, because if the glass is damaged, the film will not allow the fragments to scatter.

Sun protection film for windows

Self-adhesive sunscreen tint film for windows can be of different shades, varying degrees of darkening intensity, it qualitatively improves the properties of window panes. Sunscreen film with a mirror effect has the property of one-sided visibility, when everything is visible from the room, and it is impossible to look from the street into it.

Practice shows that the sunscreen film, being a very good reflector of ultraviolet rays, protects furniture, carpets , curtains from burnout.

Such a film, deposited on the glass , can serve more than one season, while its price is low. It is easy to apply and also easy, if necessary, removed.

Film for plastic windows

The films intended for application to the glass are very similar in appearance, but nevertheless, they differ in their performance characteristics. The film for plastic windows can carry both sun protection and heat-saving function, it is effective for use, both in winter, raising the temperature indoors, and in the summer, keeping cool.

Also, a plain film for windows can be used instead of curtains, it is environmentally friendly, non-toxic material and suitable for use in any residential area. The film for windows is very practical, it looks great both on the kitchen window and on the window in the children's room. Such design of windows will help to create a modern stylish interior in the house.