Diet with constipation in the elderly

Many people in the modern world face such a problem as constipation. This is due to inadequate physical activity, malnutrition, regular stress, etc. Often such a problem occurs in elderly people, for whom a diet with constipation is important. Prolonged constipation, can cause serious illnesses, for example, such as hemorrhoids.

Nutrition for constipation in the elderly

Each diet has its own rules, which are important to consider, otherwise the result will not be:

  1. With constipation, flax seeds, honey, ginger and citrus fruits are perfectly fighting, so try to include them in your menu more often.
  2. Nutrition for chronic constipation in the elderly should necessarily include many foods containing dietary fiber, which contribute to bowel cleansing and normalization of the stool. Fiber is found in large quantities in vegetables and fruits. The daily norm is 0.5 kg, but it is important to bring this quantity to the level gradually.
  3. Include in your diet black bran bread, cereals and sour-milk products.
  4. Diet with constipation in the elderly implies the rejection of foods that adversely affect digestion. This applies to legumes, cabbage, as well as apple juice and grapes.
  5. Prefer a fractional diet, consuming food, at least five times a day.
  6. It is important to prepare food correctly. It is worth giving preference to stewing, cooking and steaming.
  7. You can not severely chop the food, as this can cause constipation.

Consider an example of a menu on the basis of which you can make your diet: