Pancreatin - analogues

No one is immune to digestion problems. Fortunately, modern medicine has several secrets that will help to solve these problems once and for all. Pancreatin is one of such secrets.

In its essence, it is an improved digestive enzyme (or enzyme, as you could hear in advertising on TV), which significantly improves digestion, splitting proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Pancreatin includes enzymes that can break even amino acids, stimulate the pancreas and reduce gas production.

Pancreatin can be bought freely in almost any pharmacy. But just in case, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of analog preparations. As they say, "but how little!".

Pancreatin and its analogues

To date, there is a huge number of analog preparations of Pancreatin. Moreover, similar drugs are in different price categories: there are means more expensive, and there are also cheaper (mostly) - on any purse. Of course, self-prescribing Pancreatin and its analogs is not recommended. All that is slightly related to health should be supervised by specialists.

The list of alternatives to Pancreatin is offered for general review:

  1. Creon is a drug given to children and adults for pancreatic problems caused by surgery, chronic pancreatitis , cystic fibrosis and others.
  2. Mezim forte is a famous remedy that helps to effectively cope with digestive problems. Like Pancreatin, its counterpart Mezim supports the body when eating fatty foods. It is often prescribed as a preventive measure before ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity.
  3. Festal is another well-known analogue of Pancreatin. It is prescribed for chronic pancreatitis, irritable bowel syndrome. This is a universal remedy for overeating. Festal also helps people with a disturbed diet.
  4. It can be considered a good budget replacement for Pancreatin and its analogue Ajizim . Suitable for chronic diseases, and to improve digestion.

Mezim and Pancreatin - what is the difference between these drugs?

Mezim is the most famous analogue of Pancreatin. Moreover, the basis of Mezim is Pancreatin. The main difference is that there is more active substance in Mezim. Therefore, the agent is considered more effective.

Mezim, basically, is prescribed for the treatment of diseases, but Pancreatin, its analogs are good for prevention.