The Egyptian sun god

The Egyptians had many gods who were responsible for different natural phenomena and significant objects in life. The most famous Egyptian sun god is Ra. Another famous deity in charge of the heavenly body was Amon. By the way, they were often perceived as one and called Amon-Ra.

Ancient Egyptian sun god Ra

Ra was considered many-sided and in different regions and epochs he could be represented in different ways. The most popular was the image of a man with a falcon head, as this bird considered sacred. Overhead was a solar disk with a cobra. It was also depicted with a mutton head, in which the horns were horizontal. Many represented him as a child who was on a lotus flower. People were sure that the sun god in ancient Egyptian mythology has a golden flesh, and his bones are made of silver and azure hair. Many personified him with a phoenix - a bird that burned itself daily to regenerate again from the ashes.

Ra was the most significant god for the Egyptians. He gave not only light, but also energy and life. The sun god moved around the heavenly Nile on the boat Cuff. In the evening he changed to another ship - Mesektet. On it, he moved around the underground kingdom. Exactly at midnight he had a battle with the powerful serpent Apop and, having achieved victory, he again ascended to the sky in the morning.

Of great importance to the Egyptians were the symbols of the sun god. Of special mystical importance were the eyes of Ra. The left eye was considered healer, and the right eye helped in the victory over the enemies. They were depicted on ships, tombs, clothes, and also made amulets with their image. Another famous symbol, which Ra often held in his hands - Ankh. He represents a cross with a circle. The union of these two symbols meant eternal life, so they were often used for amulets.

God of the sun Amon of the Egyptians

He was considered the king of the gods and patron of the pharaohs. Initially, Amon was a local god of Thebes. In the Middle Kingdom, the cult of this god spread to all of Egypt. The symbols of Amun are sacred animals, goose and ram. Often this god of the sun in Egyptian mythology was portrayed as a man with a ram's head. On his head is a crown, and in his hand a scepter. He could hold Ankh , who was considered the key to the death gate. On the head there was a solar disk and feathers. People considered this god an assistant in victory with the enemies and built Amon large temples, where competitions and festivals were held.