How to understand that you are a witch?

Very often we hear that all women are witches. We do not know how everyone is, but there are very few who doubt it.

How to understand that you are a witch?

Signs of the modern witch differ little from the signs of a witch in general, unless it is a question of fairy-tale characters with a broom, stupa, hut on chicken legs and a black cat. We will consider the most common signs of a witch, and at the same time compare ourselves to find out whether we have any makings that we never suspected.

  1. Witches avoid noisy companies, do not have many friends and prefer solitude. But the relationship for her is very important and, as a rule, they are close and strong.
  2. How to find out whether a woman is a witch can help such a sign as a look. Most often, a witch has a bold and open eye in the eye, which often becomes uncomfortable, because it seems that a person looks directly at the soul and knows all our thoughts.
  3. Witches are attractive and charismatic. In addition to external data, such women have internal magnetism and are easily placed to themselves. However, there are among the witches and gray mice, barely noticeable, but possessing an internal force, which can not be recognized immediately.
  4. Unlike people who do not have a sorcerous gift, a witch never shows negative like most people do. In addition, she will not be jealous , rude or dissolve gossip. On the contrary, such a woman is peace-loving and flexible, which makes it impossible to recognize in her the one who is to blame for all the misfortunes and misfortunes that suddenly fell on the family.
  5. Understand that the girl is a witch and the way she treats the church. If a person behaves strangely within the walls of the church as if he is not at his ease, the probability of the presence of a gift increases. Although some witches cover their true feelings and emotions with feigned piety, so as not to be suspected.
  6. It is often heard that animals negatively perceive those who have a magical gift and strong energy. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite. Animals, unfriendly to a stranger, with witches behave quietly, peacefully and easily. Even children who are not sociable, withdrawn and completely refuse to go in contact with strangers, with witches open up and communicate freely. This is explained by the fact that children by their nature have a weak energy, so on a subconscious level, they are drawn to those who have it strong.