How to become self-confident - advice of a psychologist

Every person dreams about something, and strive to achieve this by any means. At the same time, the realization that it will be difficult to achieve the desired one on its own does not disappear anywhere. Taking help from others is very important, especially at the first stages, since the results will be more fruitful. It is necessary to study psychology and understand how to become self-confident. To date, written a lot of advice and recommendations of psychologists, which allow you to learn how to become self-confident.

Psychologists distinguish three basic types of human behavior:

  1. Passive.
  2. Aggressive.
  3. Sure.

From this it follows that the first two types of behavior can create many problems for the person in terms of communication with others.

In books on psychology, much is written about how to become self-confident in a girl, and psychologists unanimously state that they need to work on themselves. First of all, it is recommended to understand what hinders to be self-confident and in their own strengths. The reason for this can be:

  1. Negative attitude to life.
  2. Dependence on someone else's opinion.
  3. Low self-esteem.
  4. Fear of showing emotions in public.
  5. Inability to defend one's opinion.

In order to understand how to become more confident and stronger in yourself, you need to learn to do something better than others. For example, to do drawing or music, learn how to do tricks. Everything that a person knows how to do better than others, without a doubt, will attract attention .

It is important and appearance - it allows self-assertion, so it needs to pay special attention, but only not get carried away. On the advice of psychologists, first of all, you need to develop a solid look and a good diction. It will not be difficult, you can just practice in front of a mirror, make a speech and carefully monitor the intonation. When dealing with people, it is not recommended to ask for forgiveness often, since such behavior is often interpreted as insecurity. It is necessary to work on yourself and then the result will be fruitful.

How to become feminine and self-confident?

Since the psychology of men works for women's hands, in their opinion, women are weak and defenseless. From an early age, girls are taught that they should strive for excellence.

If you understand well, then comes the realization that it is not difficult to become feminine: it is necessary to start a complex work, which will include the following stages.

  1. Appearance . Many pay attention to appearance, so you need to follow it. It is recommended to visit the hairdresser regularly, make a manicure, wear skirts, shoes with heels, and try to complement your image with different elements.
  2. Sociability . Do not be afraid of people and contact them. It is best to represent someone else in their place, while smiling and trusting them. Do not be shy to forgive help: defenselessness is one of the basic properties of a real woman.
  3. Accepting yourself . If your own appearance has ceased to attract, then such thoughts must be driven away. Only to the woman who really will manage to love yourself, love will come from others.
  4. Love . A loved one and children can change a woman from within. Therefore, it is worth thinking about those who do not have a family: is it time to acquire it?

If you develop all these qualities in yourself, you will be able to change yourself internally, and life will change for the better due to this. It is necessary to adhere to these recommendations, in which case success will be guaranteed. Strive, strive and once again strive for the goal.