Hungarian goulash soup

Hungarian soup goulash is a thick and spicy meat soup with vegetables. Soup goulash is a very satisfying dish, so it can be served both as a second and as a first course. I'll have to try to make a really delicious Hungarian soup goulash. The recipe for this dish is quite simple.

How to cook Hungarian goulash soup?



We will wash the meat and dry it with a clean linen napkin. We cut meat and peeled potatoes with small cubes. We'll put the meat in the cauldron, fill it with water and cook until almost ready. Peel the carrots and sweet peppers finely. Peeled onion, cut into a quarter of the rings and rescuer in a frying pan on the smaltze with finely chopped carrots. Add the crushed tomatoes and protushim minutes 5 under the lid. In the cauldron with meat add the sliced ​​potatoes, and after 10 minutes the sliced ​​sweet pepper and passekrovka, add the spices, add salt, cook until the vegetables are ready. Goulash soup is ready.

Goulash soup with dumplings

You can add in Hungarian soup goulash also dumplings (egg + wheat flour + water) in small quantities. Dough for dumplings should slide off the spoon. When all the dumplings come up, add the crushed garlic and greens to the soup. Cover the cauldron with a lid and leave the minutes for 15 - to brew.

Goulash soup with beef

You can cook soup goulash with beef and a slightly different way. Instead of fresh tomatoes, you can take canned in a pulp or even a tomato paste (in this case, save 1 tablespoon of flour in a frying pan on a smalt along with onions and carrots, and then add 2 tablespoons of tomato). This recipe is good for the cold season.

Goulash soup with lamb



Fry in a cauldron finely chopped onions. We add the meat cut into small pieces and we will extinguish it to half-ready, covered with a lid, with a laurel leaf and dry spices, if necessary adding water and stirring. In a separate saucepan, we cook potatoes, cut into small pieces and a string bean. Let's add a broth with vegetables to the meat and meat cauldron. We add pepper, cut into small strips. Save the flour dry in a pan before browning and add the sour cream. You can and 1 tablespoon tomato paste - as you wish. Let's add the browning to the cauldron and bring it to the boil. Cook for about 5 minutes. Now you can add chopped garlic and greens. We will close the goulash with a lid to insist, for about 15 minutes. We will be cut into soup cups and - it is possible to serve. To such a wonderful dish, it is good to serve a red dining room with unglazed wine or rakia.

What kind of meat can you cook goulash?

Soup goulash can be cooked using not only beef, veal or mutton meat. You can use lean pork, goat, rabbit, turkey, chicken, goose and even some varieties of river fish. You can combine the meat of different animals in one goulash. You can cook goulash, using together with meat some offal. Serve goulash better with the garlic, rubbed with garlic. And yet, this dish should be quite sharp.