Sauce from gooseberry

Did you know that gooseberries can become the basis not only of tasty jam , compote or sweet dessert? In addition to tasty sweets from gooseberries, you can prepare an original, incredibly spicy sauce that will transform any dish from meat, fish, and also add a paste or simply a slice of fresh crusty bread.

Several options for the preparation of this sauce, we present to your court below.

Sauce from gooseberry with garlic to meat - recipe



To prepare the sauce you can take gooseberries of any kind and any color. Berries pre-rinse under running cool water, and then break off the ponytails and stems. We also prepare garlic teeth, cleaning them from the husks and rinsing them under the stream of water. From the branches of the basil, cut off the leaves and grind them together with the prepared berries and garlic in the blender's container or by turning it a couple of times through a meat grinder. Now grate the sauce through a strainer, separating unnecessary bones and skins in it, and season it with salt and ground black pepper, pour olive oil and mix thoroughly. Note also that when using a blender, a significant portion of the bones is grinded, and the taste of the sauce is slightly viscous. When using a meat grinder, there is no such effect, so you should consider this fact, choosing the way of processing the components for the sauce.

Immediately after preparation, the sauce made from gooseberry is fluid in consistency. But if you cool it a bit in the fridge, its texture is more dense and jelly.

If desired, you can make the sauce more piquant, adding to the taste of ground coriander.

Sweet and sour sauce made from green gooseberries



Minimalism in the preparation of sauce according to this recipe does not prevent it from getting original and appetizing. The main thing is to choose not over-ripe, elastic green berries. We rinse and sort out them, get rid of unnecessary tails and pedicels and grind them together with the cleared garlic teeth with a mincer with a fine grate. Add salt to the resulting mass, add sugar and mix, so that all the crystals are dissolved. The maximum that can be added to this version of the sauce is a thinly chopped fresh herb greens.

Spicy sauce from red gooseberries - recipe



To prepare an acute sauce in this case, take the red gooseberry and prepare it with the recommendations in the recipes described above. The pods of hot pepper are rinsed, cut along in half and we extract the peduncles together with the seed boxes. We also disassemble the garlic heads on the teeth and clean them. Now it follows the berries with pepper and garlic to grind with a meat grinder, scrolling the ingredients a couple of times. Spicy herbs, among which can be basil, parsley, dill, coriander and other greens at your choice, can be cut with a knife or crushed with berries and vegetables. Add salt and sugar to the sauce to taste. The amount of the latter can vary considerably depending on the natural sweetness of gooseberries.