Wooden swing with own hands

At the cottage, each of us seeks not only to work, but also to rest from the bustling city. And here, in peace and quiet, you can have a cup of tea in the fresh air, and relax in a hammock. No one from adults will refuse from such "childish" fun, like riding on a swing . After all, scientists have proved that a slow monotone rocking has a beneficial effect on the work of the human nervous system.

Having bought ready-made swings in the store, you will only have to install them. But in this case, the device may not exactly match your needs. And you can build a garden swing with your own hands made of wood. Let's consider step by step the sequence of works.

Swing for a dacha with their own hands made of wood

Before you start, you need to choose a place to install the swing. If you want to make a swing for adults and children, then you can make a structure such as a bench with a back.

The main material for making the swing is wood of pine, spruce or birch. Such boards are perfect for their characteristics, and also for their cost.

As practice shows, making a swing from a tree with your own hands is not difficult at all. For this we need tools and materials:

  1. First, we need to make a foundation on which we will fasten our swings. We fasten in pairs two bars in the upper part of them with bolts. At the same time, it should be remembered that the pillars should be spaced wider, the greater the width of the swing seat.
  2. We fix the supporting bar to the top of the racks. For its more reliable fixing, we install additional elements. We make a pair of transverse ties in the lower and upper parts of the structure. Supports of the structure are installed in a previously excavated pit and filled with concrete.
  3. We begin to make a swing made of wood. Cutting boards to pieces half a meter long. Seats require 17 such slats and 15 pieces for the back. Do not forget to polish the parts to smoothness with a grinder or nazhdachki.
  4. Then, using a drill with a thin drill, make holes for self-tapping screws with a depth of about 2 mm.
  5. Details of the base, on which the backrest and seat strips will be fixed, should be figured. First we draw the contours of the workpiece with a pencil on the thickest board, and then cut out these details from it. We need six such blanks.
  6. Having selected the necessary angle of connection between the backrest and the seat, we combine the parts into a frame. First we attach the central bar: so it will be easier for you to align the remaining elements. Then, in turn, fix the bars, leaving equal intervals between them. At the same time, we fix the edges of the parts first, and then the middle.
  7. We make armrests for a swing. To do this, we use two bars of arbitrary shape. One end of the beam is attached to the frame of the backrest, and the other to the seat. Ready swings are covered with paint or varnish.
  8. Chain rings are attached to the lower part of the armrests. To ensure that the nuts do not enter the tree completely, it is necessary to use washers. Similarly, we attach rings to the upper beam. It remains to attach a chain with carabiners to the rings, hang the swing on the pedestal, and our swings, made of wood with our own hands, are ready.