Ribles on the grill

Marinated pork, lamb or beef ribs, cooked on a brazier, a delicacy, to your liking, in no way inferior to the meat shish kebab, prepared from the fillet, and besides, it is also quite budgetary. Intercostal meat with proper selection and preparation has a very juicy and delicate taste.

For barbecue you need to choose the costal part of a young animal. The softness and juiciness of the future shish kebab depends on the quality of the meat. A successfully selected marinade for ribs on the grill, as well as the correct algorithm of their own roasting on the coals guarantee an excellent result and an unmatched taste of the prepared dish.

Below we will tell you how to cook delicious ribs on the brazier.

Lamb Ribs on the Grill


For marinade:


Sliced ​​lamb ribs with chunks of three ribs together season with salt and generously pepper, dried tomatoes and paprika. We put in a bowl mixed with peeled onions, chopped herbs, crushed garlic and left to marinate in a cool place for several hours.

Rinsed ribs are laid out on a grid and fry in a weak heat for about forty to sixty minutes, periodically turning the grill. This is the secret of cooking sheep's ribs. If you cook them like a regular shish kebab - quickly and close to the burning coals, then we will get hard meat as a result.

We serve ready ribs with fresh herbs and vegetables.

Recipe for pork ribs on the grill


For marinade:


Washed and dried pork ribs are cut into pieces by three or four ribs. Season the marinade, prepared by mixing all ingredients, mix and leave for several hours in a cool place. We lay pork ribs on the grill and fry on the grill for about twenty to thirty minutes, periodically turning over.

We serve with fresh vegetables, herbs and favorite barbecue sauce .