How to weld a mango on milk?

Manna porridge can be attributed to those dishes that have both loyal fans, and the most ardent haters, flatly refusing to use this dish in any form. For those who are among the first or simply want to prepare a dish for their baby and respecting its taste of households, we will tell you how to cook a manga properly on milk without lumps and we will offer the proportions of components for obtaining different texture.

How to weld a liquid mango on milk?



Before pouring milk into a saucepan, rinse the walls and bottom with ice water. This preliminary procedure will not allow milk to burn during boiling and spoil the taste of porridge. So, warm the whole milk to a boil, add the sugar and salt and mix, so that all the crystals are dissolved. Now we need to fill the necessary quantity of semolina with a thin trickle into the already boiling milk and continuously stir it intensively at this moment. Thus, it will be possible to avoid the formation of muffins in the porridge and make its structure as homogeneous as possible.

Some landladies recommend wetting semolina in one pan, and then pour it in a warmed up in another container until boiling with milk, continuing cooking, changing the capacity in some places. It is believed that clumps are not formed in this way. But even in this case, we do not neglect the recommendation to continuously mix milk with semolina at the initial stage after the merger.

Cook the contents of the dishes for five to seven minutes, and then remove from heat, add butter and serve to the table.

With such proportions, we get a fairly liquid consistency of semolina porridge.

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Monkeys need in this case to add twice or three times more, depending on the desired consistency of the dish.

For an average density, one tablespoon of manga with a slide per 200 milliliters of milk base will be enough. If you need to get a thicker texture of semolina porridge, the amount of semolina is further increased.

Just like in the case of liquid porridge pour the milk into a pan moistened with ice water and put it on the stove. Let the milk boil, dissolve in it sugar and salt and pour a thin trickle of semolina, continuously stirring the mass at the same time.

We cook semolina porridge on the lowest heat, stirring occasionally, for seven minutes, and then put it into a plate and serve, putting a piece of butter in a bowl.

Let's give for the sake of justice some more ways with which help it is possible to achieve a homogeneous texture of semolina porridge without admixture of lumps. Many housewives simply mix semolina with a small amount of cold water, and then inject the resulting mass into boiling milk, stirring it intensively while doing so. Many also supporters of cooking semolina porridge in such a way, where all components are immediately put into cold milk, and then cooked with continuous stirring until ready.

How to weld a manga on milk to a child?

For children aged three years, semolina porridge is prepared as well as for adults. Here, only take into account the child's preferences for the density of food. If there are none, the average consistency, which we mentioned in the previous recipe, will be the best option. You can additionally supplement porridge with fresh or canned berries from jam .

For cooking porridge for children up to three years, it is desirable to dilute whole milk with half water, do not use sugar at all, or sweeten the dish quite a bit, and also reduce the amount of butter.