Dry head seborrhea - treatment

Dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp is a dermatological disease associated with inadequate activity of the sebaceous glands, which cease to produce a normal amount of sebum. Absolutely all people are subject to this pathology.

Causes and manifestations of dry head seborrhea

The causes of dry seborrhea are factors that can affect the activity of the sebaceous glands, namely:

As a result, the barrier functions of the skin decrease, which leads to the development of pathogenic fungi and other microorganisms on its surface. In some cases, dry seborrhea is associated with frequent staining of hair, chemical curls, improperly selected shampoo.

With dry seborrhea, the scalp is very dry, flaky, itchy, it generates abundant dandruff - white dry scales. In addition, the condition of the hair deteriorates. They become thin, brittle, lose shine, begin to fall out. In the future, hair loss may occur.

Treatment of dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp

Effective treatment of this pathology requires clarification of its causes and an integrated approach. For this, the dermatologist can refer the patient to such specialists as the endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist, etc. A microbiological examination of skin scraping is also carried out.

First of all, the factors that cause the dysfunction of the sebaceous glands should be eliminated. It is necessary to normalize digestive processes, hormonal background, psycho-emotional state. An important place in the treatment is the observance of a healthy diet, normal physical activity. It is recommended to take vitamins and microelements, immunomodulators.

In severe cases, the use of antifungal agents of systemic action (ketoconazole, fluconazole, etc.) can be recommended. Also, to combat itching, antihistamines are sometimes prescribed (Cetirizin, Loratadin, etc.)

Local treatment is also performed. As a rule, shampoos are recommended for dry seborrhea, which have an antifungal and antibacterial effect, which help moisturize the skin. As a rule, these are funds based on the following substances:

Therapeutic shampoos from dry seborrhea are generally recommended for this scheme: during a month, wash their hair twice a week, then use it twice a month.

The most common shampoos from seborrhea are: