Koktsigodiniya - symptoms and treatment

In koktsigodinii have a name simpler and more understandable - the pain in the coccyx. Pain syndrome is mainly diagnosed in women. Medicine explains this by anatomical features of the structure of the musculoskeletal system. After the onset of symptoms and complaints, it is advisable to start treatment of cocciogeny immediately. But unfortunately, many patients do not pay attention to the disease, believing that discomfort has only become a consequence of a busy day.

Causes of coccylogeny

The main reasons for the appearance of symptoms and the need to treat cocciage are injuries. It can be a blow directly on the coccyx or an unsuccessful fall.

But the appearance of pain in the coccyx and other symptoms of cocciogeny is not only contributed by bruises. Soreness sometimes becomes a consequence of various pathologies of muscles and nerves. It is also accepted to refer to the main reasons:

Characteristic for coccidia symptoms

Koktsigodiniya - such a disease, do not pay attention to which is impossible. Its main sign is pain directly in the coccyx. Sometimes patients complain of discomfort in the anus or rectum. It also happens that soreness in both the coccyx and around the anus appears simultaneously. If the pain moves closer to the perineum, the gluteal region or the inner surface of the thigh, then the coccygeon has managed to go far enough, and it should be treated immediately.

The nature of pain is burning. They are more pronounced at night and pass by themselves. In later stages, the pain becomes a little less strong, but constant. Often, it limits the physical activity of patients, which leads to the development of depressions.

Treatment of cocci in home conditions

For treatment to be effective, you need to start with a diagnosis. Therapy is prescribed only after determining the exact cause of the ailment. It can consist in the use of glucocorticoid drugs, electrotherapy, paraffin therapy, underwater tractions. Useful for pain in the coccyx are the methods of manual therapy. They help improve blood supply. Due to this, muscular spasm is soon removed and the process of recovery is significantly accelerated.

With severe pain, novocain blockades or such drugs as:

They should be injected directly into the nerve plexuses.

There are many recipes for alternative medicine for pain relief in the coccyx. But the most effective treatment of coccidia with folk remedies will be if it is combined with the above methods of therapy.

Treatment of cocciogeny and elimination of symptoms of the disease at home with potato sprouts


Preparation and use

For a medicine it is better to take potato sprouts, the size of which does not exceed two centimeters. They should be thoroughly washed and dried. Fold sprouts in a jar and pour alcohol. After that, the drug should be infused for ten days in the dark. You can not drink tincture - it contains poison. It is used for rubbing.