Why is he grumbling in his stomach?

Who among us did not find himself in such a ridiculous position, when the stomach for no reason starts rumbling loudly? Most likely, there is no such person who does not know this feeling. And, the most insulting, it is impossible to influence this process in any way. You never know at what exact moment your belly "podstavit". But all the same, nothing happens simply and everything has its own reason. So let's see, why is it all the same in our stomachs?

For sure, everyone can name at least a few reasons, according to which the stomach strongly grumbles. But if you collect them all in one heap, then you get solid paradoxes. We can say that our stomach rumbles in the morning, when we have not yet had breakfast and hungry. But why then rumbles the stomach after eating? At first glance it is not clear, but we come across such almost every day. Or you can notice rumbling during a stomach upset, and diarrhea and constipation at the same time. Also there is something to think about. It turns out that the stomach lives a life apart from us and grumbles when it suits him? Well, in part, it's true.

We will give only a few cases, why people rumbles in their stomachs.

  1. As mentioned above, an empty stomach can rumble. Most often it happens in the morning, or throughout the day, if you have a habit of not having breakfast in the morning, but only a cup of coffee.
  2. The second case is after overeating. Especially if you have not eaten a long time before, or if the food was harmful and heavy.
  3. I often hear about the rumbling of a strong excitement. For example, before business negotiations, exam, or even before a date. This can create an embarrassing situation and become a very serious problem.
  4. Often there is rumbling after eating certain foods, carbonated drinks or alcohol. If the cause is caused by the wrong diet, then you can get rid of the rumbling, just removing the inappropriate foods from the diet.
  5. And sometimes you can observe a change in the rumbling activity depending on the position of the body. That is, in a vertical and seated position with the abdomen everything is fine, but as soon as you take a horizontal position, the revolution begins.

But, unfortunately, not everything is as simple as it seems. And not always the reason that in the abdomen all the time rumbles, lies on the surface. Perhaps we are dealing with even a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Doctors call several diseases that can promote rumbling in the abdomen. The most common is a dysbacteriosis. Let us explain this process in more detail. Dysbacteriosis, as is known, is a disease in which the intestinal microflora changes. Useful bacteria are replaced by harmful bacteria, which in turn actively multiply. This leads to excessive gas formation in the stomach and intestines. Is strengthened gas formation in the swelling, rumbling, pain in the stomach.

What if the stomach rumbles?

It is clear that the prescription for eliminating rumbling depends on the cause that caused it. If it's from hunger, then, accordingly, you need to eat. If from overeating, then try to eat small portions. In addition, you need to monitor your diet, and eat less heavy food. And if you have dysbacteriosis, then you should drink drugs containing bifidobacteria and revise your diet. But if all of the above you have already tried, but in the stomach all the same constantly grumbling, it is better to consult a gastroenterologist. Then the doctor will search for the reason why your stomach began to make unpleasant sounds. Perhaps you have more serious stomach problems than a violation of microflora.