Finishing the front of the house with siding

We all know that the facade is the card of any building. Every landlord wants his house and looks beautiful, and was also warm. How can this be achieved? One of the easiest and relatively inexpensive ways is to finish the facade of the house with siding .

Options for finishing the facade siding

  1. Vinyl siding is one of the most common types of facade decoration. It is light and easy to install, non-flammable and non-toxic, resistant to temperature fluctuations. The decoration of the facade of the building with vinyl siding will last for several decades. Care of it is minimal: to wash off the mud under the stream of water. Its cost is low, which for many - an important argument.
  2. A variety of vinyl siding is socle . The panels are thicker, as it is designed for operation in difficult weather conditions. Yes, and its price is higher compared to the previous one. The facade decoration with socle siding will protect the house from damage, and serve as a decoration for the appearance of the building. After all, such panels perfectly imitate the color and texture of natural materials.
  3. Finishing the facade with metal siding will cost the owner more than vinyl. The panels are made of steel, aluminum or zinc. Outside they are covered with a special primer, polymers and paint. Most often in private house building, steel siding is used. Its sheets can be smooth or embossed. If you, to finish the facade of your house was "under the log" or "under the stone, you can use metal siding with the imitation of these natural materials. This material is very durable, does not burn, is easy to install and durable. Aluminum and zinc siding are rarely used due to their high cost.
  4. Cement siding is also successfully used for finishing facades. Due to its high strength and ability to withstand large temperature differences, cement siding is successfully used in areas with a complex climate.