Severe heartburn - what to do?

Heartburn is a painful and burning feeling that can be localized both under the breast and behind the breastbone. Development of the pathology due to the release of the contents of the stomach, namely gastric juice into the esophagus, where it causes irritation of the mucosa, resulting in heartburn.

Causes of severe heartburn

Each of us wondered why there is a severe heartburn and pain in the stomach. The causes of severe heartburn are as follows:

What to do if you have severe heartburn?

After finding out the reason, you need to know what to do if there is a severe heartburn. There are a lot of methods to combat this symptom (folk remedies, emergency and medication):

  1. Soda solution (just remember that you can not use it often, as this can lead to a violation of the water-salt balance);
  2. Warm milk or an apple as a folk remedy;
  3. Placebo effect". Doctors advise you to maintain a good positive mood and optimism, as stress can exacerbate this phenomenon;
  4. The use of antacids;
  5. Neutralization of increased acidity of the stomach with drugs such as Alfogel, Almagel.
  6. To reduce the production of gastric juice is recommended taking Omega and Omeprazole .
  7. If a strong heartburn visited you at night during sleep, you need to drink a glass of chamomile broth and lie on your left side, since it is in this situation that the flow of gastric juice into the esophagus is blocked.

If you have a very severe heartburn, and none of the above does not help, then you need to make an appointment with a doctor.