How to strengthen the eyelashes and grow them in the fastest time?

Eyelashes play an important role in the beauty of the female image. If they are long, thick and black, the look becomes more expressive and deep, bewitching. At the same time, not everyone can boast of such a gift of nature, and it is not always possible to preserve it. Therefore, the question of how to strengthen the eyelashes, faces many girls.

How to strengthen the eyelashes and improve their growth?

The growth and strengthening of eyelashes, desired by most women, can be achieved in several ways, but by selecting any of them, one should be attuned to a long course with regular procedures. Restoration of the structure and acceleration of the growth of cilia requires the recharge of their follicles with active substances. An important role for the health of the hair surrounding the eyes of the hairs is played by the state of the soft tissues of the century, in which their roots lie, the activity of the sebaceous glands.

If there is a strong fallout, brittleness of the cilia, which is often accompanied by problems with hair and nails, it is advisable to see a doctor. In cases where it is not too critical, but you notice any deviations, you should think about how to strengthen the eyelashes. In addition to the use of strengthening and nutritional products, which will be discussed below, it is important to follow some recommendations for daily care of cilia:

  1. Careful and at the same time careful removal of cosmetics from the eyes before going to bed by means of special soft means.
  2. Application of nourishing or moisturizing cream (gel) for eyelids after make-up.
  3. Easy massage of the eyelids to ensure the flow of blood to the bulbs.
  4. Use of high-quality cosmetics for the eyes.

Means for strengthening eyelashes in a pharmacy

An excellent option for solving problems with cilia is the use of special preparations for external application, sold through pharmacy networks. By purchasing such a means to strengthen and grow eyelashes, you can be sure that it will not only do no harm, but it will also help, because the effectiveness of such drugs is often confirmed by clinical trials. Consider several popular drugs:

  1. Eyelash Booster from Pharmatheiss cosmetics (Germany) - serum for growth and strengthening. Promotes natural growth, lengthening and thickening of eyelashes, including due to the increase in the phase of their growth. The main components of the composition: hyaluronic acid, caffeine, arginine, panthenol.
  2. Evolash from FacEvolution (Austria) - serum for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows based on the hormone-like substance prostaglandin, with the addition of vitamins, peptides, plant extracts. Activates the functioning of bulbs.
  3. Satura Rosta Eyelash Balm (England) - balsam-stimulant growth of cilia with a completely natural composition. Active substances in it - extracts of plants, nitrogen-containing algae, oils, vitamins. Helps cilia become thicker, longer.

Firming gel for eyelashes

Looking for how to strengthen eyelashes, it is worth paying attention to the means in the form of a gel. The method of their application is very simple and often involves application to the eyelids along the line of growth of the eyelashes or along the entire length of the hair. Due to the light texture, the normal balance of the skin of the eyelids is achieved, the blood supply of the onion bulbs is activated, due to which the eyelashes strengthen and grow better. Good reviews are characterized by the following gels:

Firming Mascara

Treatment-decorative mascara - that's more than to strengthen the eyelashes for growth and density. This option is well suited for those girls who during the recovery of cilia can not do without makeup eyes. In addition, mascara with a strengthening effect is recommended to be used for preventive purposes. The effect is achieved by adding nutritional, moisturizing and protective components to the composition. Examples of brands of such products:

How can I strengthen my eyelashes at home?

More accessible to many ladies will be methods that tell how to strengthen the eyelashes at home, which used to our mothers and grandmothers. All of them are based on the use of natural components that are at hand or easy to get. How to strengthen eyelashes at home, we will consider further on examples of proven recipes and the most effective means.

What kind of oil strengthens your eyelashes?

Everyone has heard that oils have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. But since the structure of the hair and cilia is identical, then for the last oil is useful not less - they nourish, strengthen, make them elastic, enhance growth. The best firming oil for eyelashes is castor, but for this purpose you can use:

How to strengthen eyelashes with castor oil - recipe


Preparation and use

The composition is slightly warmed and applied with a brush on the cilia, paying special attention to their bases. Remove the napkin after half an hour, rinse the eyes with warm water. Mask to do daily until a visible effect is achieved.

Folk remedies for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes

In addition to the use of vegetable oils, there are many ways how to strengthen eyelashes at home with folk remedies. For example, warm lathers based on medicinal plants, such as:

To strengthen the eyelashes, both drop-out and fragile, brittle, it is important to energize the "soil" from which they feed the required for growth and construction of a strong structure of matter. These herbs have all the necessary properties for this. Applying them, you should prepare an infusion, fill a glass of boiling water with a teaspoon of the selected raw material (or mixture) and stand for a quarter of an hour. Then in the infusion, moisten the cotton swabs and apply to the eyelids for 20 minutes. This procedure is best done daily at night.

Than to strengthen eyelashes after escalating?

Many women discover a deplorable state of the native cilia after prolonged wearing of the extended eyelashes . In this case, the question of how to better and faster to strengthen the eyelashes, comes to the fore. In addition to the above methods, it is recommended to use for this purpose aloe vera and parsley, containing many biologically active ingredients, applying them to the hair. Than it is possible to strengthen eyelashes after escalating independently - so it is an oily-vegetative mix.

Prescription means


Preparation and use

Briar, crush, combine with oils and put for ten days in a dark place. Strain, apply the composition for application to the cilia daily for a month.