Liatris - planting and care

Liatris belongs to the family of Compositae, he comes from North America. This beautifully flowering garden perennial flower has about forty species and gardeners call it a "burning star". Liatris differs from similar plants in that the flowers on its arrow-shaped peduncles bloom from the top down and flowering continues from July to August.

Liatris: landing and care

Planting liatris can be in open solar areas and in partial shade, since the air temperature does not have any special significance for it.

The plant develops well in a neutral, loose, nutrient-rich and well-drained soil. In damp and heavy soil, the rhizome of the flower will rot.

Watering is needed moderately, avoiding waterlogging of the soil and stagnation of water in it. Liatris will be enough and rain watering.

During intensive growth and flowering it is necessary to feed regularly with mineral fertilizers: in spring - nitrogen fertilizer, and in summer - phosphoric-potassium fertilizers. To the flower well tolerated the winter you need to make nitrogen fertilizer in late summer. For a brighter and thicker flowering of the Liatrix, the soil around the flowering bushes should be covered with a compost layer of 5 cm, and if the bright green leaves begin to lighten, it is necessary to make nitrogen fertilizers (20 g per 1 sq.).

The entire care of the flower is the weeding and cutting of the dried inflorescences. Loose soil can not, because its root system is located close to the surface of the soil. It is better to mulch. The soil under the bushes is washed away, which leads to the denudation of the rhizome, so it takes an annual hummocking of bushes or sprinkling additional land for them. In different species of Liatris, the height of swept stems is different (from 45cm to 2m), so if necessary, it should be tied to the support.

Liatris will perfectly carry the winter if the bushes are covered with a layer of rotted compost 10 to 15 cm high.

Liatrice - reproduction

There are two ways to reproduce Liatrice: by seeds and by dividing tubers (rhizomes).

When growing Liatris from seeds, the flower spike appears only in the second - third year. Do it this way:

The easiest way is to multiply the Liatrix by dividing the bush on a tuber. Once in three years in May or August dig out bushes, divide them and plant them in prepared holes with the addition of compost, the tubers should be planted to a depth of 5-10 cm, maintaining a distance of 30-40 cm between them.

Leatris pests

Lytrice tubers are damaged by a bear, a striped snapper, more often snails. To get rid of insects in the ground, you can use chemical insecticides, scattering them around the bushes of Liatris, and against snails use special traps and baits.

Liatris in the Garden Design

A flower of lyatris looks good when planted on flowerbeds, mixborders , rockeries . To get a large and beautiful bush tubers need to be planted in a circle. If, together with Liatrice, plant verbena, phlox, brouner and other flowers, you can get a beautiful composition. Lias can be planted near fences, along buildings or landscape elements.

In addition to using lias to decorate the garden, it is also used in perfumery (for creating fragrances), cosmetology (as a tonic) and medicine (as a cure for malaria and some sexually transmitted diseases, an excellent diuretic).