How to Feed a Puppy

The question of feeding puppies, especially in the first months of life, is very important for every owner. At the age of one year the dog develops intensively and grows. Only proper nutrition ensures the healthy development of the puppy.

The diet of puppies of different breeds differs significantly. It is natural that dogs of large breeds require more intensive nutrition than small dogs. However, there is a norm of feeding puppies, which should be observed for all dogs, especially at the age of up to a year.

How can I feed a month-old puppy?

Feeding puppies in 1 month should be frequent, small portions and preferably natural. The use of dry food is highly undesirable. The diet should include meat products, sour-milk products and vegetables.

Feeding the puppy in 1-2 months should be conducted at least every 3 hours. As the dog grows, it is necessary to increase the size of the portion and the time between the feedings. At the age of 6-8 months the dog should be fed 3-4 times a day, after a year - 2 times a day.

Diet of puppy feeding

The most nutritious and healthy food for puppies is meat and meat products. Puppy should be given natural meat at least once a week. Do not forget that the meat should be necessarily fresh. If the meat has been heat treated, this means that it has lost more than half of the nutrients needed by the growing dog.

However, the diet of feeding puppies should also be diverse. In addition to meat, the puppy should be given 2-3 times a week raw fish. Raw fish contain a large amount of phosphorus, iodine and protein. Feed the puppy only by sea fish, because the river fish can contain worms.

Once a week, puppies, along with other food, should be given a raw egg.

Extremely useful for puppies are raw vegetables. Vegetables should be grated or cut into small pieces. It is in vegetables that most of the vitamins that the dog needs are contained.

Also, the puppy should be given in small amounts of fish oil, cereals, foods containing salt and calcium.

Since the food in dogs of different breeds should be different, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the diet of puppies of several breeds.

What to feed the puppy of that terrier, dachshund and Yorkshire terrier?

Since dogs of these breeds are small in size, their diet is similar.

Beginning with the month, puppies should be given: porridge, finely chopped meat, boiled chicken meat, vegetables, fruits, sour-milk products. Exclude from the diet of feeding puppies the following products are necessary: ​​pork, bread, sweets, smoking, too salty food.

How to feed a German Shepherd and Labrador puppy?

In puppies of these and other large breeds, the diet should be characterized by a high protein content. This is necessary for the full growth of the animal. In the first year of life, dogs grow in size 2-5 times. This means that it is during this period that there is an intensive growth of bones, muscle tissue, and wool.

Experienced dog breeders recommend feeding puppies of large breeds exclusively with natural food. The main ingredient should be meat. Also, the diet must necessarily include vegetables and cereals. At least 3 times a week the puppy should be given dairy products and fish. After 4 months, the diet should include bones.

Feeding puppies with dry food

Feeding puppies with dry food is convenient, but not always useful. Among a large number manufacturers of dry feeds by no means all produce a really high-quality product. In addition, dry food must be supplemented with vitamin complexes or natural food containing useful substances.

Experienced breeders do not recommend starting the feeding of the puppy from the first months of life with dry food. Dry food should be introduced into the diet in small portions from 2-3 months and must be combined with natural, vitamin-rich food. By the appearance of the puppy, you can always determine how full its nutrition is. A dog that receives all the necessary vitamins and nutrients always looks healthy and cheerful.