Electro Collars for Dogs

On the need for an electric collar

Many dog ​​breeders believe that electric dog collars are such compact remote sensory electric shock guns that dogs wear around their necks. The owners are worried that their dogs will be badly beaten by this current during the next impact, that the dog will be hurt, and that such a collar is a very cruel means for raising a dog .

Cynologists use an electric collar to train dogs in their practice for more than forty years, although in the CIS it began to appear about twenty years ago. The electric collars also have other names: radio collars, electronic collars, pulse, electroshock.

There are the following types:

"My dog ​​will be hurt!"

It is this phrase that stops the dog breeder from purchasing an electric collar. In fact, the cynologists note that wearing a strict collar gives the dog more unpleasant sensations than using an electric one.

The design of the electric collar provides the ability to adjust the degree of impact - in other words, the force of the electrical discharge. It is usually chosen such an effect, in which the dog will experience only a small discomfort. If you decide to try this influence on yourself, and you will be hurt, this does not mean that your pet should also be hurt. Dogs, however, like people, have different pain threshold, which depends both on the breed and on the individual sensitivity of each dog.

But competently to pick up an electric collar under a painful threshold the canine specialist can only, therefore it is necessary to consult about what model to buy, only with it.

Structure and principle of action

In appearance, the electric collar looks different from a conventional collar only by a box. From this box to the skin of the dog are deduced two electrodes. The owner holds a remote control, with which you can tune the collar and act on the dog. When pressing the button of action on the electrodes passes an electric current.

Despite the relatively simple construction principle, the electric collar is still not recommended by your own hands, since you can incorrectly calculate the current, resulting in burns on the skin.

Electro-collar-antilay arranged "smarter". It contains sensors that capture the vibration of the walls of the larynx in the animal. This produces either an electric discharge or an ultrasonic action. Once the dog stops barking, the effect stops.

The electric collar can be equipped with a device for tracking the location of the dog, a laser pointer; In addition, there are models in which one console can control several collars at once.

Application area

Training with an electric collar has well proved itself in the environment of dog handlers and is increasingly found today. The electric collar is convenient to use when walking a dog: it will be easier to control it and not allow it to pick up garbage from the ground, and also not to rush to other dogs. In addition, a collar with built-in GPS ensures that you will never lose a dog. Electrolox Antilai will wean your pet to bark and howl. However, it is important to remember that for barking a dog can have a weighty reason. She may be hurt, lonely, bored; The electric collar will eliminate the consequence, but not the cause.

Precautionary measures

Remember that you should not abuse the impact of the electric collar just like that. The dog from this can become aggressive or come to a depressed state. As a result of problems with the psyche, there may also be problems with the physical condition, such as incontinence and spontaneous defecation.