Where does blueberry grow?

Blueberry is a perennial berry, whose life can reach up to 100 years. Her fruiting in the wild begins to occur in 11-18 years. Berry is similar to blueberries , but differs from it with larger fruits, less sweet taste, less density and a large area of ​​growth. Where does blueberry grow?

Where does blueberries grow in Russia?

In Russia, the berry grows in various regions. Blueberries grow in the tundra, in the middle belt of Russia, the Caucasus, the Altai, the Urals, the Far East, Siberia. Thus, unlike blueberries, which grows in pine forests, blueberries can be found growing in a variety of conditions: in mountainous or boggy terrain, in cedar forests.

Also, there may be different answers to the question: on what soil does blueberry grow? The berry can grow in the soil of any composition, even on poor and acidic soils. Best fruiting blueberries occur on dry and well-lit areas of the earth.

Useful properties of blueberries

Blueberry has a number of qualities that benefit the human body:

It is especially recommended to use berries for children and pregnant women.

Thus, knowing where the berry of blueberries grows in your area, you can collect it yourself, and take advantage of its useful properties.